CHAPTER 7: Beggars, Rats and Vermin

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. For three months, none of the Thenardier children were seen by the Gorbeau tenement. Montparnasse walked slowly thru and from the cobbled streets in front of the house, he was given an assignment by the head of the group to "find the girl and bring her back,"

Just a few days ago, he saw her, pick-pocketing her way to survive... The girl of the streets? More like a wild flower in a meadow full of weeds.

A few days ago wasn't the first time he saw her. He even saw her weeks before and even a month before that. Even the day he was given the assignment, why didn't he bring her back to her father?

Truth be told, he found a small delight watching the girl go through and about every day. It must be selfish of him, he thought, that he took the liberties seeing her himself.

He puts a hand on his left cheek; savoring the sting he once felt from her hand because the first time he saw her, he tried to bring her back, she resisted violently that caused her to slap him across the face. A thin smile now rests upon it, a memory he cherishes.


Eponine had no intention of going back; she would rather live in the streets with her brother than go back to a criminal life with her father. She and her brother moved frequently from one place to another until they could not be traced. This time, she has a place in mind.

"Where are we going to stay now 'ponine?" a half sleepy Gavroche asked his older sister. It is about midnight, and the streets are perfect for moving. Eponine's eyes are well adjusted in the dark; for she could see things better in the dark than anyone with an untrained eye. With Gavroche sleeping at her back, she made her way to a friend's house near the docks.

"Eponine!" A lady with fiery red hair greeted her "I'm so glad to see you,"

Eponine smiled "Nanci! It's a good thing we made it here safe,"

"And who is this on your back? Aaah... he sleeps so soundly."

"I bet you haven't met my brother, Gavroche... He's a nice lil fellow." Eponine grinned showing her deep dimples.

The lady smiled "he's quite a charmer even when he sleeps! You are just in time dearie; my girls and I are going to start our work soon, why won't you two stay in my room till morning? I'll be home by then."

"That's very generous of you Nanci, my brother and I have nothing to repay you... You are such a saint,"

"Dearie, I am no grander than the rest of us. However it is a pleasure to help, if you didn't save me a day ago, who knows what would have happened to me? You came to the right place, come in, come in, and make yourselves comfortable."

When Eponine and her brother entered, they were greeted by mixed perfumes that are enough to entice a man's senses. The women wore assorted hair pieces, colorful fabrics and faces. Nanci is one of them. Nanci's bright red hair matched her blood red dress which seams are covered in sequins. Her lips and cheeks are painted the same color too. In comparison to other ladies, Nanci's gown wasn't revealing at the top, the girls said that she did not have to. For Nanci's face alone is enough to get patrons in the night.

Nanci showed Eponine and Gavroche her room; she says that they could both stay there till she arrives in the morning. Eponine thanks her and then Nanci and the other girls left for their jobs.


Eponine watched her brother's chest rise and fall. His sleep was so deep; it was evident that he found Nanci's bed comfortable. However, Eponine could not sleep. She felt something rather unsettling in the pit of her stomach which she couldn't find comfortable. Was she afraid? Was she worried? A few weeks before she had an encounter with Montparnasse, he tried to bring her home but she struggled which resulted her to slap him across the face and escape. However, she got away from him too easy; she knows that Montparnasse wouldn't let his prey go easily. For sure, the day would come that he would capture her and bring her back... No! She won't be coming back and neither will Gavroche. Life has taken so much from her, then why can't she play by her rules? Well maybe... Maybe...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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