Hunger games high

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*this is my second book! I got the idea on the bus and I was like WHAT! It's probably the best idea I've ever had school-wise. Check out my first book "Real". It's kinda hard looking for it by the title so just look up "KatnissMellark11" vote comment fan and fave!* 


I'm just a regular 7th grader. My name is Katy, but, most people call me Katniss, after my favorite book and movie character. Plus I have brown hair and blue-gray eyes.

The hunger games is pretty much my life. I've read the first one like, what? 20 times? I've read Catching Fire about 15 times, and MockingJay is so good but SOOO painful that I've read it like 30 times. Every single time I cry my eyes out.

I got on the bus that morning, still tired from waking up that morning. I sat next to my friend Jen.

"I NEED CAFFEIIIIINE!" I whine loudly.

"Here." she says, as she hands me a thermos full of coffee.

"You're a hero!" I shout as I glug the drink down.

We get to school around 5 minutes later. I say bye to Jen while I scurry off to my locker.

I head to math, the worst part of my day. It's boring as usual. But this time, were doing fractions! Whoopee. I start doodling in my book. I draw Katniss and Peeta and the pin and other things.

"Katy!" Ms. Smith yells. "What is the answer to number 11?" She says sternly.

Katniss, it's Katniss. I think to myself. How does she not know that? I've

"Uhhhhh... Um, 27 3/4?" I blankly guess.

"Close." She says. "You would carry the 1 so the answer would be 28."

This class is so easy. She just TELLS you the answer if you get it wrong.

After that snooze fest I head to language arts.

I enter yet another torture chamber, then take out my Hunger Games composition book. I search the board for anything interesting that we'll do today. Great. A test.

I finish early so I start to draw, then to think, then to daydream. What if the HG characters were real? That would be so cool. And I would be Katniss. I wish that happened.

Jen meets me at the bus after school. I told her about my crazy-obsessed-impossible dream. She nods in approval.

"That would be pretty cool." She says. Then gasps. "What if, what if I! ... Was, GLIMMER!"

She loves her. Mostly because she's blonde, and pretty, and her name has the implification of sparkles.

I get home and do my homework, then flop on the couch. Exhausted from all the boring papers and books.

Lying down, I pull a blanket over me. I start to doze of, to a sleep most likely filled with Hunger Games.

*Finally! My second book! Don't judge until like the 5th chapter cuz it might suck. If you haven't read my first book, check out "Real" or if you can't find it that way just look up "KatnissMellark11". This was just an intro chapter so it's not really exciting but it should be next time! Seeya then! 



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