Chapter 8

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*hey guys! First of all, CATCHING FIRE!!!!!! I CANT EVEN. I was so angry when the pearl scene was just, "here!" "Oh thanks!!" UUUUGGHHH! You all know me as team Peeta, WHICH I STILL AM, but......... TEAM FINNICK OR DIE👌 Read on!!!*


"I've gotta a perfect plan." Peeta says with a sly smirk.

"Well," I say. "What is it?"

"One of us makes sure it's clear, while we go, two at a time, through the hall to the door. Then we have to act like it's normal that we're not in school. After that, we can go wherever as long as we're back before 5th period."

I love it when he gets all smart like that. When he gets lost in thought, going on and on, deeper in his mind with each word.

"So who's gonna distract the teacher out there?" He asks. Nobody volunteers. Haha. Volunteer.

"I'll do it." A voice says from the back.

She notices that I can't quite see her, so she rises. I notice that she is small in build. She is short, but not terribly.

"I'm Twill." She says. "I'll help."

"Thanks." I reply with a smile.

Twill looks out the window of the door. She puts a paper bag over her head.

"I got this." She smiles and gives a thumbs up. Slowly she opens the door. We all get ready to run.

She starts to skip down the back hallway screaming "singing in the rain" at the top of her lungs, ripping down posters as she goes.

Once her and the teacher have gotten out of sight, and we can barely hear Twill, we start towards the door. Peeta and I go first, then motion for the others to come.

Once we're all out, and off school property, we just start wandering around. Peeta takes me to the field that he told me about. There's tall grass and a few big trees.

"So what do you want to do?" He turns to me.

"Well you brought me here, so what do you want to do?" I ask.

"We could climb a tree, its pretty private up there." He grins.

"You like privacy don't you?" I smile.

"Only with you." His smile widens.

We walk to the tallest tree we can find, and start to climb. Once we reach the half point to the top, we stop.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" I ask him.

"Well I was thinking that I could throw a party."

"I think that sounds like a great idea." I say, leaning closer to him.

"Yeah?" He whispers. Our faces are only a matter of inches apart.

"Yeah." I whisper back, leaning so close that our lips brush when I talk. But I don't go any closer. I keep him waiting. After a while, we both can't take it anymore.

We pull away from the kiss when my phone buzzes. I look at the time.

"Crap." I mumble under my breath. It's 2 o'clock.

"We gotta get back." I tell him.

He frowns. "I was having fun." He crosses his arms and makes a pouty face.

I laugh. And pull his arm so he starts to climb down.

We make it back to detention just in time. When we get out, he tells everyone about the party. The girls squeal.

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