Chapter 11

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*hey guys! If you read Real, I apologize. I'm a demon of feels escaped from Veronica Roth's house😂 Did anyone else notice how PEDO this Emoji is?!👥👥👥👥 But anyways, read on!*


It's about 12 in the afternoon when Peeta gets back. I haven't been doing anything really, just waiting. We had a New Girl marathon (if 3 episodes count) and we played some Xbox, but that's it.

"Hey guys," He says when he walks through the door. "Sorry about that." He chuckles.

"Hey," I say. "I missed you." I get up to give him a hug.

"We, missed you." Marvel says.

"Bromance!" Cato yells, and we all laugh.

"It was a MADHOUSE today!" Peeta complains, putting his arm around my waist. "Everyone wanted something different! So then I would have to make more of this and more of that. It sucked."

"Being without you sucks more." I say, and he gives me a kiss.

"It sucks that much?" He asks.

"What do you think?" I say, pulling him a little closer.

"No?" I laugh and pull him in for a kiss. We both smile into it.

"Hey!" Cato yells. "I'm trying to play Call Of Duty here!"

"Can I borrow it sometime?" Gale asks him.

"It's not mine," He says. "I found it on the shelf."

Peeta pulls away, looking at me quizically. "You have Call Of Duty?"

"Is there something wrong with that?" I ask.

"It's actually quite hot." He smiles.

"If it makes any difference," I say. "I also might have Ghosts in my room."

"Call Of Duty: GHOSTS?!" Marvel exclaims, exaggerating 'ghosts'.

"Yeah..." I say.

"That's not even out yet!" (*I know it's out, I just had to make her seem cool*) He says, using his hands as he talks.

"I've got some hook ups." I say, laughing. (*And I wanted her to say that*)

"Can we play it?" Peeta asks, jumping up and down like a 5 year old.

"Maybe..." I say, running my hand down his arm.

"Pleeeease!" He takes my hand of of his arm and holds if with both of his, shaking it back and forth.

"It's a possibility..."

He gets down on his knees. "Pleeeease, Katniss pleeeease!" He pleads.

"Ugh, fine." I say, pulling him back up.

"Yayyyyyy!" He screamed, taking my hand and pulling me up to my room to go get it.

When we get to my room, he puts his hands on my shoulders. "Where is it?" He asks out of breath.

"Well..." I drag out my words, just to make him wait.

"Tell me woman!" He yells. I give him the eyebrow. "Sorry."

"You have to find it." I say promptly. He whines.

"It could be over there," I say. "Or I could be messing with you."

"Come on!" He says and slumps his shoulders.

"My rooms not that big! You can find it!" I tell him.

"But," He says. "I'm to LAZY."

"Well you better get you lazy ass up if you wanna find it!"

"Ugh, fine!" He groans. I laugh.

Where is that game anyway? I think to myself. I can't remember where I put it. I sit on my bed and try to retrace my steps from that day.

I got home from the game store, put my keys down, and walked upstairs. I went to my room and put it somewhere that I thought the boys would never find it, at least, until it came out. I put it in a drawer. I look around the room, what drawer did I put it in. I walk over to my nightstand and open up the first drawer, nothing. The second, nothing again.

"What are you doing?" Peeta asks, popping his head out from under my bed.

"Oh," I say. "I was just looking for a book." He puts his head back under.

So it's not in my nightstand, so it must be in my dresser. I start at the bottom drawer. It's just filled with clothes. I pull open the one above it, just pants. It must be in the next one. I think. I open it up carefully, so Peeta doesn't hear, he's looking in my bathroom now. For what reason, I don't know. I look in the drawer. Just pajamas. Oh no. That means it's in my underwear drawer. I have to move it before he comes back in.

I open the drawer, and sure enough, that's where it is. I'm about to grab it, when I hear the door open. I quickly shut the drawer, turn my back, and cover it. He looks at me puzzled.

"Whatcha doing?" He asks, suspicion in his voice.

"Oh, just wait for you to find it." I say, and my eyes dart to my lamp in the corner.

He gets a quirky grin on his face. "You looked left."

"Yeah, so?" I ask worriedly.

"And your right handed." He continues, slowly walking over to me. I press up harder against the dresser.

"Yes, yes I am." I say.

"When you lie you always look the opposite direction of what hand you write with." He grins wider.

"How do you know that?" I ask him. "Are you a scientist?"

"No, but I also know that you always bend your right leg too." He smiles. Dang it.

"Where's the game?" He asks.

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Because I know where your ticklish." He is on fire today!

"Well," I look at my nightstand and pretend to be nervous. He sees my eyes shift and follows my gaze.

When he starts walking towards it I say, "No! I mean, no, it's not in there." He just smiles and walks closer to it. While he has his back turned I quickly open the drawer. Unfortunately, he hears it open, and grabs my waist.

"I knew it!" He yells and reaches over my shoulder.

"No! Don't!" I say, trying to push him away.

"I have to get Ghosts!" He says, digging in my drawer for the game.

"Ahem." I say, holding it up. I grabbed it while he wasn't looking.

He looks up quickly, and sees the game in my hand. "Really?" He whines. "Go through that!" He points to the drawer and flings a bra off of his shoulder like it's toxic.

I just raise my eyebrow. "So do you want it or not?" He tries to grab it but I put my arm out of his reach. I smirk and run downstairs.

"You'll never get it!" I scream, running down the stairs. I can't help but laugh.

"That's what you think!" Peeta screams after me, bounding his way down.

I scream and turn around the corner, running into the kitchen. "No!" I yell. Peeta just chases after me.

"You'll never catch me!" I run around the group and he follows. They have amused, but very confused looks on their faces.

All of a sudden, I feel a tug on my arm and I am pulled into the closet.

"I got you." Peeta smirks. I smile, and we both lean in for a kiss. As we kiss, I can smell something. A sweet smell, almost like flowers.

Perfume. But, it's not mine...



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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