morning till the end

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Sonics POV

I opened my eyes to see rays of sunlight shining to the now open window.
" ugh! I thought I told tails not to do that anymore!" I yelled. Tails always comes in my room before I'm awake and opens the windows

He should know better by now!!

Sometimes I just wish there was a way to keep him out of my room at night. Since he has the keys to the house I can't lock my room door. I get up and start getting dressed for anouther boreing yet awesome day ahead. That is the middle of it,

"Morning sonic!" He yelled as I checked my hearing. "Tails didn't I tell you not to open the windows when I'm asleep?" I asked him
While putting my shoes on. "Yeah but it makes it easier to wake you up!" He said trying to glare at me. "Ok tails I won't wake up late again!" I yelled as I ruffeld his hair. "H-hey I told you not to do that!"he shouted/ laughed. "And I told you not to open the window anymore!" I yelled/ laughed as I ran down stairs. "Why you little- GRRRR!!!!" He shouted in a playful voice.

After that we played a little hide and seek

I was already off to a great day.

Then cream came over and asked to play with tails
"Sure I'd love to!" When they left, i went to take my daily run.
"You're an fool to think you could pass by my area!" Someone yelled. Suddenly I was kicked in the face. It was shadow.

" I didn't know dude jezz!" I yelled getting up from the floor. "That won't stop me from giving you a punishment ~"
He said and punched me. "Ugg can't m-move w-what did y-you do?" I asked trying to get up but sadly failed.
"That's none of you concern hedgehog!" I could keep my eyes open any longer, so I closed them slipping into a little nap.
"Heh weak, the rest of your punishment will come later." I could hear him leave before I fell asleep on the ground.

Hours later

I opened my eyes, it was already night. I could move but my body still ached. But I had no choice. I have to go before shadow shows up again.I ran home. 'I'm never going over there again.

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