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Talis POV

"Ugh...." I moaned as I looked around. It is dark.
"Sonic?" No reply. Where could he be? Then I heard a chainsaw noise. "Whos th-there?!" I asked and looked around in horror.
"Shhh clam down little fox, your safe...." My idea of safe must be different from his! "Wh-wheres sonic?!" I asked, without sonic I felt alone but sonic always said that I could do anything, with or without him. And sonic never lies! (Ha hes been lieing so far!)
"Shhh your friend is safe...,,for now...hahahahahahahahah!"
His laugh told me otherwise. "Why would I lie to a fellow friend of sonic?" His voice I just notice how that voice sounds...... I think I know who it is. "Dark sonic?" I asked, his voice sounded just like sonics except darker and deeper. "Awww way to ruin my fun tails!" He came out of the dark. "But how did you escape from sonics mind or body?"  The last time I saw him was when we were in space.....he told me about it actually..... I never saw it in person......"that's for me to know and you to find out! oh wait never mind, that's for me to know and you to never find out!" I tried to break free. "if sonic cant break free then you cant either! stupid...."  wait sonics  trying to get out? I must know where he is! "where is he you freak?!" I yelled. mostly because sonic might be around here..... " wow you suck at guessing games! ok then, theres four rooms your in one of them, theres one on your left and another by your right guess wich one. if your guess it bad then you die a slow and painful death!" he said with a little smile on his face. ok sonic is really heavy from the chilli dogs he eats. and the left room is much closer then the right one soo. " ima go with the room on the right!" I yelled and smirked at the sudden look on his face. " I know your smart and all, but that was just wired! how ya know?" he asked I gave a look that said idk he looked at me the at the chainsaw and put it away." ok now everyday I will ask you a question and you must give me the right answer, if you win 10 days in a row ill let you go, ok?" he asked smiling. "np I got this!" I said smiling back at him. "good" he said he was gonna leave but I stopped him. " what about sonic?" I asked, was he only gonna let me go or him and me. " idk he has his own challenge." he said leaveing and walking into the room where sonic is. "don't wait up" was the last thing I heard from him before hearing the door slam. I hope he'll be ok......

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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