chapter eight

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Chapter eight

Jasmine's POV

We walked into the mall, hand in hand. His grip was tight enough for me not to escape.

"What store do you wanna go to?" He asked me as we walked around.

"How about Wet Seal?" I asked him pointing towards the store. He nodded his head and we made our way towards the store. We waked into the store, and a pair of jeans caught my eye. Harry saw me looking at the jeans, and dragged me towards the pair of jeans.

"Do you want these?" He asked holding the pair of jeans.

"Yeah they are cute. Let me check how much they are first" I said grabbing the pair of jeans from him.

"I don't care how much they are. Your my baby girl, so i'm going to spoil you as much as I can," he said.

"Can I go try them on? I asked him. I'm obviously not gonna let him buy me these pants without trying them on. He nodded his head, and led me towards the fitting rooms. I walked into first open fitting room, while Harry waited outside.

I was looking at myself through the mirror in the fitting room. I walked out of the fitting room, to see Harry Holding some bra's and looking at some more. I scoffed in disgust, when a brilliant idea popped into my head. I left the pair of jeans on a rack full of clothes, and started to run towards the exit of the store. Harry's back was facing me so he couldn't of have saw me running to the exit.

As I was trying to find an exit out of the mall, I got multiple weird stares from everyone. I looked down at my outfit and remembered i'm wearing Harry's sweats and one of his shirts. No wonder why people are giving me weird stares. They probably think i'm some type of runaway teenager.

I mean who wouldn't look at some random girl running through the mall in a guys clothes. That is honestly a really funny sight to see, but in my eyes it's pretty sad. I mean some random hot guy from my new school says that i'm his. Like bitch what does he mean i'm his like can he please fuck off.

I soon found an exit when I heard a scream behind me.

"Jasmine get your ass back here right now," he said running after me, while calling someone on the phone. I looked back real quick and started to run outside the mall. So basically I was running away from a kidnapper in a mall's parking lot. I was so close to being out of the parking lot when I collided into a chest. The person wrapped their arms around me, when I looked up to see a tan skinned looking dude.

"Please help me, some guy is trying to kidnap me. Please help me," I begged the tan haired guy.

"Okay, my car is over there come on," he said guiding me towards a black mustang. Suddenly Harry came out of the mustang with a smirk on his face.

"Your a fucken liar," I yellled at the tan guy. I was about to make a run for it when the tan guy wrapped his arms around me.

"I told you not run away," Harry suddenly growled.

"I told you I don't like you, and I wanna go home," I said with my teeth gritted.

"Someone help me pl-" I was cut off when the tan guy placed his hand over my mouth. My screams were coming muffled, when suddenly I brang my leg up and kicked the tan guy in the balls. Harry suddenly ran towards me and put a death grip on my arm, which made me cry out in pain.

"Harry you're hurting me," I said whimpering. Harry loosened his grip, but still had a grip on my arm. I look towards the tan guy to see him bending over, and groaning in pain.

"Get in," Harry growled at me, while holding his range rover's door open.

"Make me," I told him, trying to get free from his tight grip. I'm positive there will be bruises there, god I hate Harry so much. I never thought I will be able to hate someone in a short period, but I guess I was wrong. It's only been like ten minutes, and I hate the tan guy's guts. I mean why would help a guy kidnap a girl?

First of all, why would a guy kidnap a girl he barely knows. I'm so annoyed, I just wanna go home and sleep. Why can't he be like a normal kidnapper and demand some money or a unicorn. Wow, i'm so lame i'm talking to myself, and which kidnapper would want a unicorn. I'm honestly really weird so I don't get why he even wants 'me.'

I look outside the window to see Harry and the tan guy talking.

"Bye Zayn," Harry said doing the bro hug thing. So thats tan guy's name 'Zayn,' well I guess it does suit him. The name 'Zayn' sounds so mysterious, well he did look mysterious. I still can't believe I trusted that asswipe. I should've known from his tattoo's that he probably knew Harry.

The bro hug reminded me of my best friend from California, Madison. I remember we were comparing guys from girls, then we started talking about how guys bump chest. So, we both jumped and bumped chest. Our chest hurt really bad after that, but it was a good memory Madison and I have a million memories. I honestly love Madison, she is like a sister to me. We have been best friends since second grade.

The girl she used to play with in second grade was in first grade. The little girl Brianna, I hated her so bad, but her grandpa was good friends with my dad, so I had to pretend to like her. But she was a straight up bitch. Anyways so I played with Madison one time because Brianna made me play with her. Madison and I talked that one time, then didn't talk for a year. A year later she moved into the same neighborhood as me. That's when we became best friends and finally had the courage to tell Brianna off. Brianna soon moved, which made Madison and I super happy.

"Your punishment is going to a million times worst than your last one. You're gonna regret that stupid stunt you played back their," Harry suddenly said snapping me out of my thoughts. Suddenly fear started to flow through me, when I started to think about what punishment he will give me. Nothing can be worse than a whipping.

"Please don't give me a punishment. Please i'm begging you. I will do anything just please don't give me a punishment," I begged him. I suddenly started shaking, and I couldn't breathe anymore.

"Jasmine, what's goi-" that was the last thing before darkness took over me.

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