chapter nine

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Chapter Nine

Jasmine's POV

My eyes fluttered open to see that I was in Harry's room. My throat was dry, and I really wanted some water. Suddenly everything came back to me. Harry had taken me to the mall, and I tried to escape. I remember running to the parking lot, finding this guy who said he would help me. He then just took me back to Harry, and that's all I can remember.

I hesitantly got up, and walked towards the door. I opened the door and walked down the stairs. I turn to see Harry walking out of a room, that I have never seen. I suddenly freeze when I see him. Is he still going to give me a punishment? Did he forget or will he let me off. He probably forgot, so I will play it cool.

"I see you're awake," Harry said.

"Yeah, what happened?" I asked.

"Well, we were at the mall, when suddenly you ran away. Luckily I caught you. When I took you to the car, you started yelling at me to not punish you. Then you fainted," he explained to me.

I decided to change the subject because I still don't want to get punished. Like honestly who the heck wants to get whipped. My back still hurts from the last time.

"Can I please have some water," I spoke confidently.

"Yeah, there's water bottles in the fridge," he said pointing towards the kitchen. I nodded my head and opened the extravagant fridge. Honestly this house is beautiful, but Harry living here makes me not want to be here . Also the fact that he literally kidnapped me, makes me not want to be here.

I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge, and drank half of the bottle.

I walk out to the living room, to see Harry on his phone typing away.

I cleared my throat to get his attention because i'm not gonna sit here and be bored.

His head snapped towards me, so he shut his phone and raised an eyebrow, asking me what I need.

"I'm bored," I bluntly stated.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me patting the seat right next to him. I walked towards the sofa and sat all the way one the corner.

"I don't bite" he said.

"Hard," he added with a smirk plastered on his face.

He leaned over and grabbed my waist. He dragged me near him, kept his hand on my waist.

"How about I introduce you to my friends?" He said, suddenly hope flooded through me. If his friends come over, I can tell them and they will call the cops. I will finally be able to go home.

"Don't get your hopes to high. They know I took you," he said crushing the little hope I had, to get out of this hell hole.He took his phone out and started typing away on it.

"I texted the guys they are on the way, one of them is bringing his girl." He said after he shut his phone. I nodded my head, and stayed quiet after that.

"I know nothing about you," I blurted out.

"Well my name is Harry," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh really? I thought it was Bob?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Watch your tone baby girl. Don't forget who's in charge," he said in a stern tone, which made me roll my eyes. He didn't see my roll my eyes, which is good because of he did he would probably be like 'watch that attitude.'

"I'm not your baby girl" I grumble annoyed. He was about to say something when a bell rings throughout the house, with a few pounds on the door.

"Harry, baby open this door right now this instant," I hear some guy yelling outside of the door along with other voices.

Wow my theory was right all hot guys are either players or either gay. I suddenly burst out laughing, while Harry gives me a weird look. He gets up to open the door, while I stay seated on the sofa. I can hear the front door open, and hear many footsteps coming towards the living room.

Suddenly four guys and one guy walk into the living room. I notice one of the guys as that Zayn guy who took me to Harry at the mall. The other three I have never seen in my life. One of the guys had his arm wrapped around a girl's waist. I wonder if she's kidnapped like me.

"Jasmine these are my best friends Niall, Liam, Louis, and of course you already know Zayn," Harry said with a smirk. I look towards Zayn to see he had a smirk plastered on his face too.

"Harry babe I thought were more than friends," I think Louis said. Which made me laugh. This Louis guy had his arm a wrapped around a girl who looks a little older than me.

She was so pretty, like I'm not exaggerating but her skin was flawless. I wish I looked like her. The girl smacked Louis on the chest and smiled towards my direction.

"Hey, I'm Eleanor. I'm Louis girlfriend," she smiled at me. She seems so nice already.

"Hi, i'm Jasmine," I said flashing her a smile.

"Boys and Eleanor meet my girl, Jasmine," Harry said.I was about to object that I'm not his girl, when he shot me a look.

"We meet again," Zayn says with a smirk. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

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