Chapter 1: The School

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I always dreaded going to High School, I mean, what kid doesn't? The kids that were already there were said to be so mean to the underclassmen. That the seniors would write an 'F' on your forehead if you weren't careful. Everything scared me about going to high school. Luckily, my brother told me of the people and the teachers I should avoid, so hopefully I'll be fine... At least for a while. My brother graduated the year before in 2007.

The last day of summer -yesterday- was the day I got into a fight with my best friend, we go back to 4th grade, and that just makes today look like a clear-crystal-blue-sky-day... It was pouring, had been for a week now, ruined the last days of summer.

My mom stops the car outside of the front entrance of the big school building. Giant letters across the brick wall in front of the car spelt 'WINTERS'; Winters High. I say goodbye to my mom and I step out of the car. My first thought is to run back into the car, but I know I have to face reality and just go. I close the car door and walk to the double doors of the building, other people walking in.

I keep bumping into people in the mosh pit, uttering under my breath "Sorry" over and over again. I finally make it into the mildly air conditioned building. I look around, trying to get a feel for the new school. A giant clock hangs on the wall above a double doorway going down the hallway. To the right and left are two more hallways.

I take a deep breath and sigh. I dig in my pocket and pull out a piece of paper folded in fours. I unfold the paper to revel a schedule. "First block... Chemistry... Great." I say under my breath. I look over the numbers of the room, B201, Ms. Murphy. I sigh and continue my walk down the hallway that's marked "B", but I couldn't find the room, and I noticed that all the rooms had a 1 after the B.

"Hi there." Someone from behind me said. "You look lost. Freshman?" He asks with his head titled one way, his brown hair flipped to the side. I nod. "Ah. So who's room are you looking for?"

I stand there, a little shocked that an upperclassmen was talking to me, then I reply, "Ms. Murphy."

"Oh? Then you need to go upstairs! You see, if there is a '1' after the letter it's on the first floor. A '2' is on the second. Oh how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself! I'm Issac. I'm the Junior Class Representative." He says with a smile on his face, then I realize his hand extended to me.

I move my hand in and grab his. "I'm Chris." I say with a skeptical shine in my eyes. Don't trust upperclassman. That's my motto. "And thank you." I say releasing my grip from the hand shake and start to walk away to the stairs.

"No problem, man!" He says and continues down the hall. I make my way up the stairs and, just like he said, the number 2 is after the B. The first class on the left is B201 and I walk into it, barely anybody is in yet. I sit at a desk in the back of the room, next to the lab stations. I put my bag down and pull out a notebook and a pencil. I draw in my notebook for a few minutes and then the bell rings and people start piling into the classroom. A second bell goes off and everybody is sitting at their seats and it's quiet.

"Alright everybody. I'm about to take attendance." The teacher, Ms. Murphy, says, her hair was blonde but was starting to gray, and her outfit was mismatched and kind of crazy. A dark blue blazer with a green shirt underneath and a long dark orange skirt. Before she could go on with the attendance she's approached by a girl with long brown hair and an orange back pack. She says something, quiet enough so nobody can hear, Ms. Murphy nods and the brunette girl sits at a desk near the back, like me. "Okay. Attendance!" She says. And she does the attendance, calling names, waiting for a "here", and onto the next.

Then she called "Christopher" and I answered with a "here" and she asked if there was a nickname I would like to go by or if I wanted to go by Chris.

"Chris is fine." I say putting my head back down and continuing my drawing. But I noticed that the brunette girl that talked to the teacher didn't have her name called. Was that what she was talking to the teacher about? I think to myself. I decide to let it go and continue with the drawing in my notebook. I always liked drawing, I never thought I was good, but my friends like them. The teacher finishes the attendance and closes her laptop, which she was taking the attendance on.

"All right! Let's jump right into it!" As she said that, it felt like the whole class said "what?!" Then she put her fists on her hips "I'm sorry I'm not one of those teachers that plays the 'name game' I like to be serious and get down to it. So that's what we're doing." She says kinda forcefully. The class sighs, except for me, I kind of snicker at everyone's disappointment. The person in front of me turns around and faces me.

"What are you laughing at, freshman?" He says, trying to be intimidating. I shrug and keep my eyes on my paper. He turns back around and I ignore him.

"Jerk." I make the mistake of murmuring.

The guy in front of me slowly turns around to face me again. "What was that?" My heart starts beating fast in my chest as he stares at me with his hateful eyes. He then grabs my pencil that I was using and chucks it at the teacher. My mouth dropped and a bunch of students gasped in shock. The teacher turns around and looks directly at me.

"Detention Mr. Christopher." She says.

"But I--" I try to say.

"Detention!" She interrupts me and goes on teaching. I look back to the person sitting in front of me. He turns around to me and smiles. I go through my bag and pull out another pencil and continue to draw.

The rest of the day went by so slowly. After Chemistry came Beginning Art, with the same unknown brunette girl, then it was a Social Studies class, then Gym, English, and then the last block of the day Algebra. It was my first day of High School and I get a detention right off the bat. I sigh and go back upstairs in the B-Wing and enter Ms. Murphy's class. I know there was no point in arguing so I just sat in the same desk I did during the day. I turn my head and notice that the brunette girl was also sitting in her seat, three away from mine.

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