Chapter Two: The Detention

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The first day of my High School carrier and I have detention, and it wasn't even my fault! But it wasn't so lonely in Ms. Murphy's room after school, sitting three desks away was the brunette girl that I have this, and one other, class with.

"I'll be right back, just work on the homework I gave out today." Ms. Murphy says and exits the room. Silence sweeps the room and it becomes a little uncomfortable so I decide to break it.

"So... What did you do to get into detention?" I ask, she doesn't respond. I lean back in my chair and occasionally glance over. "Did you get framed like I did?" I try to spark the conversation again, still nothing. She then turns to me and pulls out a white earbud from her ear.

"What?" She says looking at me all confused. Her blue eyes pierce through me like daggers.

"You had earbuds in?" I ask, kind of embarrassed. I was just talking to myself... I think to myself.

"Oh, well, yeah. I like music more than people... Had them in almost all day." She says pulling out the second earbud. "Did you say something to me?"

"Oh, um, I was wondering how you got detention?" I ask, a smile comes across her lips and she starts to laugh. What did I say?

She stops laughing. "I don't have detention, I'm here to get my work done, I chose to stay after, you're the only idiot stupid enough to get detention on the first day." She says turning her head away from me, I could sense that she was grinning. Mean.

"It wasn't my fau--"

"I know it wasn't your fault, I was messing with you." She says laughing. I don't know what's meaner... Just then someone comes into the class room, but it wasn't Ms. Murphy, this was a student. Her long black hair fell as she peeked into the classroom, then she turns to us.

"Um, is Ms. Murphy here?" She says bringing herself into the classroom. Her outfit is the same as all the other girls, a white blouse, red tie and skirt, and white thigh high socks with black shoes. Her hair falls flat onto her back, and her brown eyes glaze over the room.

"She stepped out for a minute." The brunette girl says leaning forward on her desk, resting her elbows onto it. "Who wants to know?"

"Um... Jess?" She says, starting to get nervous. Damn, she's intimidating... "I need to talk to her about starting up a club..."

"Ooooh a club, eh? What is it? Pretty Popular Girls Club?" The brunette girl says. At this point even I was getting a little nervous about this conversation.

Jess stands at the door holding the papers in front of her. "N-no, it's just a video gaming club..." She says looking down at the floor.

This catches the brunette girls attention right away. "Oh? You play video games?"

"Yeah... I like to play them, they're fun." Jess says giving a weak smile.

"Fun? Games aren't suppose to be fun, they're suppose to be strategic! It's about kicking the other persons ass! Pfft FUN!" The brunette says with a wide grin on her face. "Tell ya what. I'm going to go to your 'Gaming Club' and I'm going to see if you really have what it takes to be a gamer." She adds.

"What's with this tension?" I pop in, but I feel I shouldn't because she gave me an icy glare, and I just turned away and stared at the posters on the wall.

The brunette turns back at Jess. "So what do you say?"

"If you want to join, I'm not going to stop you." Jess says, and that's when she leaves.

I look over at the brunette and she's snickering. "I'm gonna kick her ass so bad." I open my mouth to speak, but as I do Ms. Murphy walks back into the room. "Some girl named Jess came in here to talk to you about a club." My mouth drops, her attitude totally changed from what it was. It's like her attitude left with Jess.

"Thank you J--" Ms. Murphy started to say but caught herself. What was that about? I think to myself. "Thank you." Ms. Murphy finally says after a moment of silence.

After twenty more minutes of silence Ms. Murphy finally lets me go, but the brunette girl still sits at the desk. "When is this gaming club, anyway?" She asks Ms. Murphy, placing her hand under her chin and grinning.

Ms. Murphy packs up her bag and looks over at the brunette girl and says, "If Jessica gets me those papers, it should start up tomorrow." She continues to pack up, filling her computer case with papers. "Why, were you planning on joining?" She adds.

The brunette girl smiles. "Thinkin' about it." She says, as she gets up from her chair and starts to walk out of the classroom. "What about you 'Pencil-Thrower'? You thinking about coming too?" She adds as she walks up to me, staring at me with an evil look.

"I... Um... I... Uh." I fumble my words.

"Of course you will." She says slapping my back and pushing me out the door of the classroom. "See you tomorrow Ms. Murphy." She says with enthusiasm, smiling and waving goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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