Chapter 1

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Tru's Pov

So today is my first day of senior year. I've been waiting for this day to come since the first day of pre-k. Dont get me wrong, I'm smart and get my work done, but I HATE school. For my school outfit, which I ridiculously have to change into behind the bushes at the bus stop because my mom will try me if she see me walking out in it, is a white sports bra, navy blue top, grey Hawaiian jogger shorts, navy blue vans, gold rolex and silver tunnels for my stretched ears (pic in media). I also had on my necklace with my fathers ashes in it. Y'all probably wondering why I'm dressing like I'm going to the beach, well it is hot as HELL outside around this time of year and I don't have time to sweat out my clothes.

Anyway, I woke up at 5:30 am, did my hygiene routine, did my hair, and left the house in just sweats and a t-shirt. Just before I walk out, since my mom doesn't leave before me, she stops me at the door and asks why I'm going to school looking like a bum. All I tell her is that I have no one to dress to impress for and she leaves it at that. I plan on telling my mom about me being a stud very soon because I cant put up with all the questions much longer.

My bus stop is only a few blocks away and I made sure I left early so no one around while I'm changing. I know your probably thinking why I'm 18 and not driving myself to school. Well I have my license and a car to drive but I was in an accident a few weeks ago. I was on my way to the grocery store and I got t-boned by a car that chose not to stop at the stop sign. I get to the corner and I quick change just in time for people to start arriving at the stop.

Kai should be getting to the stop soon, she's been with her mom the past few weeks. She stays over every once in a while just to make sure her mom good even after everything she put her through. Kai also has a car but she always rides the bus with me except for when she plans to pick me up on the way to school. I see her turn the corner and I got extremely excited to see my best friend. I haven't seen her since before my accident because it happened while she was gone and my mother didn't want anyone bothering me during my "healing process". She jumps for joy and comes running towards me. She jumps up into my arms and plants a wet kiss on my cheek. And no it wasn't a romantic "love" kiss, it was just a friendly "I missed you" kiss.

"Kai, yo I missed you so much" I said excitedly.

"I missed you too, how are you feeling after that accident" She said, worryingly.

"I'm doing better, it hurt a tiny bit when you jumped in my arms but no worries. How has it been with your mom?"

"I'm sorry and she's ok, probably happy that I finally left."

"How's Jerimiah, I miss my little man too, maybe more than you." I said as I laughed.

"Ha-ha-ha" she said sarcastically. "He's doing fine, he can't wait to come home later, you wanna ride with me to pick him up from my mom after school."

"Sure but how are you getting there?" I asked.

"Sandra is gonna take me if that's ok with you" she said half heartedly.

"Oh, shes taking you." I said annoyed.

"Yeah Tru, she is, shes my girlfriend and I don't understand why you get mad pissy when I talk about her." she said very irritated.

"Kai you know why, I don't trust her and I don't understand why you wont listen to me. She is a hoe...A HOE, and you're so stubborn where you wont even listen to your BEST FRIEND." I said.

"Stop talking about her like that Tru. Until the day I have proof she's cheating, I'll stick with her. I just wish you supported my relationship as much as I want you too." she said saddened.

"And I would but I can't, not as long as you're dating her."

And with that the bus pulled up. As I got on I went straight to the back, that has always been my spot and always will be. I wait for Kai to get on because she got pushed to the side while talking on the phone and not paying attention, but as I look out my window to my left I see Sandra pull up in her car and Kai get in. Shortly after they talked, they drive away. I was left in the back of the bus by myself. I quickly felt alone and abandoned.

We pull up to the school after about a ten minute ride and get off the bus. The first person I saw was me and Kai's friend, Tyonna, Ty for short.

Ty is a stem but more on the dominant side. She's about 5'0, dominican, and has a bomb ass body. Me and Ty had dated for a few months and no one but me and her know about it, not even Kai and shes my best friend.

"Hey baby" She said smoothly

Ty has always called me baby, before and after we dated.

" Ty, how you doin, It's been mad long since we talked."

"I know, you never hit my phone during summer, I thought you disappeared "

"After me and you broke it off, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me" I said confused.

"Tru, you know I'll always want you around, you're the one that broke it off. I still love you friendship wise and romantically wise." she said desperate for a response.

"I love you too, its just no one except you know that I'm into dominant women and you wanted me to tell everyone when I wasn't ready. But I still got love for you Ty."

"Then prove it." Ty said sexually.

She then pulled me to her car and laid me down in the backseat. Ty had a big truck so there was more than enough room for the both of us. Me and her both fought for dominance and of course I won. I pushed her down and took off her shirt, I slowly kissed down from her neck to her v-line. After each kiss she moaned softly, I led my way back up from her stomach leaving a trail of kisses to her mouth. I licked her bottom lip and asked for entrance. She happily gave it to me. As our kiss deepened I began to unbuckle her pants and pull them down her legs slowly. She then took off my shirt and my bra and began to suck on my right nipple while playing with the other . I pushed her back down and took my fingers and began to rub her clit, after taking off her boxers.

"Oh my god...Truuu...oh fuck...keep going" she struggled to let out between moans.

Ty's Pov

I've missed Tru so much, I havent had her touch, her love, and her amazing tounge in so long. Her fingers feel amazing in me right now and I couldn't ask for better.

"Say my name, now!!" Tru said forcefully

Tru knew I liked it rough. She knew everything I liked and didn't . She saw side's of me no one else did and that's why I love her so much. That's why I'm in love with her..

"!!!" I moaned out

After 5 mind blowing orgasms later, Tru licked me clean and helped get me dressed. It was about 8:50 am and class started about 30 minutes ago. As we were walking back to the front of the school we started talking.

"You know I miss that" Tru said

"Miss what baby"

"You, the amazing sex we have, us, our relationship."

"Like I said I love you no matter what, be mine again, I won't force you to tell anyone anymore. You're my secret"

"You promise ty" She asked worryingly

"Yes baby, as long as you want, I'll keep my mouth shut about us."

"Ok" She said relieved.

She then pulled me behind a brick wall and kissed me one last time before entering our school.

(A/N Comment, like, follow, Thank you for reading)

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