Chapter 4

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Alright guys, I am sticking with subjects from now on. I am repeating some things to let you remember. Alright, this subject is family....

Family. Ka zo ku

Mom. O ka san

Dad. O tou san

Younger brother. O to tou

Older brother. Ani

Younger sister. Imoto

Older sister. Ane

Grandma. Obachan (O ba san for great grandmas or elderly strangers to show politeness. Not really seeing the point here....)

Grandpa. O jii chan (O jii san for.... pretty much the same reasons.)

Aunt. Oba

Uncle. Oji

Nephew. Oi

Neice. Mei

Grandson. Mago

Granddaughter. Magomusume

Grandfather. Sofu

Grandmother. Sobo (Pronounced like hobo but with an s instead of h. :-P)

So when you guys see your great grandparents, you add a So to the beginning, like great grandmother makes Sosobo. So sobo. Like So hobo......... :-p If I forgot anything, please let me know. I dont know if I covered them all. Thank you!!!!
luv you all!


P.S. I am sorry that is is so short. I need extra room for my updates....


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