The desicion is made (chapter 19)

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"Ok, so a year ago i was in his relationship and I was in it for about four months but I didn't tell anyone because I had only just came out on YouTube. His name was Luke and he was 24 so older than me. We used to meet at his apartment instead of going out in public or staying here. That way we could be kept hidden. One night we were talking about some stuff and he leaned into me forcefully and kissed me" Connor started his story
"So Ricky wasn't your first kiss?" Jack asked
"No, I just told them that because I was freaking out about Luke and I wanted a nice relationship" Connor added
"Continue....." Andrew smiled

"Ok so then,

Flashback! | (This is Connors P.O.V)

"Luke!" I shouted
"Shut up you shit!" He yelled at me

I turned around to see him with a bottle of alcohol in his hands, he was just staring at me intensely waiting for something to happen

"Put the bottle down, you've had enough!" I was crying at this point
"DONT YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO! SHUT UP!" He was screaming in my face. Before I had a chance to react, he punched me on my jawline and I shot backwards and my body slammed onto the ground.

End of Flashback |

"He was on top of me with the bottle aside. His evil eyes were just staring down at me. I couldn't see myself but I knew I was bleeding, bad. I begged him to get off and to let me go but he was strong. He pined my arms to the ground by his hands and he pinned my feet down with his feet. I was terrified and I just froze. There was NOTHING I could do!" Connor was crying and pacing around the room

"Con, Con! Don't worry please keep going" Jack breathed

"Ok, so I froze and I couldn't move. He started to kiss my neck and my collarbone softly and I was freaking out and trying to get away. I was yelling his name asking him to stop kissing me and to get off me....... He pulled his cold and bitter lips off me and looked down at me with disappointment. He then....... He....... He picked me up and pulled me into his bedroom. I didn't know what he was planning to do or what he was going to say. I was still frozen, he threw me onto his bed.
The bed where we would sit and talk for ages,
The bed where I kissed him,
The bed where I told him that I loved him" Connor stopped for a moment, he sat on his bed and was sobbing violently again. Andrew and Jacks eyes were filled with tears listening to Connors story but Connor kept going.

"He started punching me again, hard. I couldn't see, I couldn't breath. I could just hear him yell horrible things at me and abuse me. I hated it and I hated him at this moment....... A few days went by and we had never spoken about it even though my body was covered in cuts and bruises. Then we were lying in bed again. I told him that I loved him, I never did though, I leaned to kiss him and guess what he said?!" Connors voice was shaking and cracking from the memory

"Connor, what did he say?" Andrew croaked

"'I'm not Gay, or bisexual. I'm as straight as the next guy, me and my friends had a bet, I got $100 dollars for everyday I stayed with you, I'm actually rich!' That's what he said, my first guy relationship" Connor wiped the tears away

"Oh my god! That's terrible Connor!" Jack ran over and hugged Connor. Andrew quickly followed

"Was there anything else?" Andrew sniffed

"Yeah.  He then took me outside of the apartment and into the garden. And I saw like 10 other guys standing there. I asked Like what was going on and he yelled and me and pushed me to the ground. Then all the guys started kicking me and yelling homophobic things at me. It was horrible I can't get it out my head" Connor started to hit his head furiously

"Connor! Connor! Stop, con" Jack and Andrew were running up to Connor and trying to get him to stop harming himself

"Connor stop!" Andrew was yelling

Connor was still hitting his head more violently. Andrew and Jack were trying to grab his hands but nothing was working

"Jack, Andrew, what the hell is going on?" Ricky shouted from outside the door

"LET US IN!" Jc yelled pounding on the door

The lock unturned and Andrew opened the door wide. Everyone was now in his room trying to calm him down. Then SLAM! Connor fell to the floor with blood dripping from his nose. He started shaking.

"Connor, Connor!" Jc was shouting to him


Kian grabbed the closest phone and started to dial. Jack, Andrew, Jc and Ricky were holding Connor as still has possible.

"Guys, make him go on his side!" Sam informed them

They all pushed Connor gently over onto his side, Sam and Trevor joined in the crowd to help Connor. Rebecca and Arden were frozen still, crying and looked down at Connor at their sobbing friends.

"Hello, I need an ambulance now!" Kian was on the phone telling the paramedics where they were and what had happened.

About 10 minute later an ambulance and came to the house and took Connor away

"Shit, back to square one!" Andrew cried

(Part 20 coming soon❤️)

Really sorry if this chapter was bad :(

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