5 Years

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Happy 5 years One Direction. Even though it's late. But I still did this before 12 here.

Boys, I'm so proud of you. All of you deserve this. You need to be loved, cared, and respected for. Not because you're in a band and you're famous, but because you're also a human. A man that has feelings. You boys deserve everything right now.

I'm really proud of what you boys become. You're such great singers. You have a great talent.

I'm thankful that you're still together. Somehow.

You boys have been going through a lot. But always remember that we, the fandom will always be here for all of you. No matter what. Thick or thin.

You'll always be remembered. You have a legacy?

I'm kidding, you'll always be remembered because you have fans all over the world, the decisions you boys make can change someone's life, somehow. And because you're the worlds known band.

Always remember that we're here for you boys. You'll always be loved. You'll always be respected.

Happy anniversary, HAPPY 5th year to One Direction.

5 years of One Direction and More To Come.

All The Love,

Jacey_Just_A_Fangirl (aka. Colleen Jaye)

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