Before They All Went INSANE (Prequel to Hawk Point) PREVIEW

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"Hey Aven, have you seen my thinking pens? I can't do anything properly if I'm not chewing on a pen." With an angry huff, Joe slams his desk drawer shut, the stack of papers on the desk scattering all over the floor like little white butterflies. "Shit." he mutters before dropping onto his knees, gathering them in his hands.

"I have a pen," Aven is sprawled across the sofa, a thick book in his hands. He peers over his book, his eyes glittering, "But you can't have it."

Joe lifts himself to his feet, plopping the papers back onto the desk. Like the small and cozy living room, the table is a mess. "Why not?" He inquires.

Aven gives a quirky grin. "Because I lost it."

Joe throws his hands up into the air with exasperation, his face showing hints of contained irritation. "You know what?" He quickly spins on his heels and storms out of the room. His feet thud against the wooden floorboards and he can hear his father in his own study, muttering to himself like a crazy man. Two days ago, Jonathan had locked himself away from the outside world, not even opening the door when Joe brought him food. Whatever he's doing in there, Joe had decided when he first heard the screaming through the walls the previous night, it can stay there.

He walks briskly past the study and into his tiny room at the back of the house. It may be small, but it has everything he needs: a small bed, an even smaller desk with an oil lamp perched at the corner of the surface, and a chest full of his monster hunting equipment. The inhabitants of Hawk Point always laugh at his little hobby and talk about how he's going to end up like his dad: crazy. But they can laugh all they want; at least Joe knows that monsters actually exist and when he proves it to the world, he'll see who'll be laughing.

He opens the small desk drawer and fishes out a small ball point pen. Twirling it with his fingers he turns to return to the living room, pausing momentarily at his dad's study. It's surprisingly silent.

"Dad?" His knuckles rap against the wooden door, "Is everything okay in there."

Only a tense silence answers him. Joe frowns and slowly pushes the door open. The first thing he notices is the blood. Then, he sees the strange beast lying over Jonathan's dead body.


Prequel to Hawk Point!!! YAY!!!!!

And I know the video is from City of Bones but most of the actors I chose for the book is in the movie. Plus, it kinda has the feeling I want for the story :)

Now this story is going to be about what happened to Joe that made him the way he was when he met Cif, about Christopher and Christian, (maybe Mildred idk yet) and Aven and how he got to know the twins. Also, it explains the origin of the Dark Watchers.

The picture is of Joe(played by Jamie Campbell Bower)

Hope you all like it :)


Zuzanna Miron

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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