The power of the fringe

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It was another dreary day in potions class, exploding frogs. Draco glanced at Hermione, who was by now covered in frog guts, and thought how beautiful she was. So maybe his last plan didn't work, but it would've if there wasn't the slight trip up of her cursing him. It was progress none the less.
Snape strutted up to Draco, "Malfoy!" He shouted "I love your fringe, tell me what spell do you use!"
While explaining in detail to a blushing Snape, Draco saw Hermione looking over at his perfect hair. Yes, his slick fringe was the source of his swag.

Every month Draco would go to the Evill' Hairdressers to get the fringe renewed. You see when it got old the power did not radiate so well and if left uncut, would become as limp as Snape's (who Draco secretly pitied).
In a couple of weeks it would be that time again and Draco looked forward to becoming the swaggiest bad boyy his year had ever seen.

Meanwhile, hidden in one of the smoking cauldrons, Voldemort gazed intently at the fringe he used to love and vowed that if he could no longer stroke it, nobody would EVER again.

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