Chapter Three

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Dead Lisanna,
I don't really know what to say. You think I'm cuter than your other suitors? Just wait till you see me with out my mask you won't think so after... Anyways what do you like to do for fun? Even though you may not get to have a lot of free time since you are royalty and all. I am very bad at writing letters. If you couldn't tell. You just left me speechless in your last letter. I didn't think you would actually write back.
I don't get much free time but when I do I play with my babies. Now I don't have human children. They are just toys but I love them. I've had them for forever. I also hang out with my best friend Freed. I don't get to do much outside of working at the castle. I do get to go to the festivals and stuff like that. I think you would have fun at them too.

I really do admire how you handle situations with the staff. I kind of makes me want to ask you a question about the gardens but I know that I might get in trouble for that. You just inspire me to make the gardens look nicer than they were.

Some things about me that you probably wouldn't guess is I find myself looking at the stars a lot because I get lost in them, so when you look up at the night sky I hope you think of me. I don't do a lot out of work because i'm lazy, and I kind of worship my friend Lord Laxus but not as much as Freed.






As I finished the letter I couldn't help but blush at the thought of me being his inspiration. Its mid fall and I am sitting on the balcony. I am probably going to catch a cold but it will be worth it if my parents don't find my letters from Bixlow. "What are you doing out here Lis?" I turn around and I see Kianna. "I am just watching the stars ant thinking." I said while handing her the letter. As she read I looked at the stars and couldn't help but think of him. He is so cute and sweet and funny. I just wish he could be one of my suitors. " I know what your thinking about, your thinking about him." "So what if I am?" I turn towards her. "It's not like anything can happen we are part of two different worlds. He is a gardener and i am a princess." She just looks at me and says " Your point is?" "My point is that mother and father would never allow me to marry a gardener. I wish they would but they won't. You know how stubborn they are." "Your right I do." "But anyways I need to get some sleep Goodnight Kianna." "Goodnight Lis."

After she left I sat at my desk and started writing.

Dear Bixlow......

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