page seven•

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Logan Gray•

'Have you been injured and never claimed? For your free consultation just call 555--' I switched off the television with a grunt after finishing tying my shoe laces.

This morning I had woken up late, it was eleven thirty now and I'd only got out of bed half an hour ago. I found out that Dean had gone off to the gym with Roman and Seth after discovering a note on the bed.

After last nights antics, Dean didn't need his own room. . we shared. This morning he left a note on his pillow which read;

'logie, gone to jump some rope with ro and seth down in the hotel gym, won't be back till twelve. . come down when you wake if you wanna? i know you can't resist me.
-the lunatic x'

I smiled at the note, thinking of the point when he would sign himself off as not just the lunatic, but your lunatic. After letting myself get too girly at the thought of his note I finally threw it into the trash can and headed out of our hotel suite with my water in one hand and my phone in the other.

I know it means I will only get half an hour at the gym, but right now with everything so hectic with the guys, any time is better than nothing. You'd think it was stupid, me going to the gym to train like the boys - as I'm not a wrestler, but one day who knows, that's why I like to keep my fitness up.

Once I reached the lobby I smiled at a bellboy who helped us with our cases after arriving just the other day. I followed the signposts to the gym rather quickly and scraped my hair up into a bun as I walked briskly through the turnstiles.

'Hey Logan, what's up?' I looked up from my phone to see Corey Graves, clearly just finished a workout. 'Where's Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns?'

'I don't know if it should concern you Corey, but if you must know they're in the gym. . which is where I'm heading.' I rose an eyebrow, uninterested.

Myself and Corey had a little history, I don't really have the time for him anymore but he maintains we should speak and say friends. We dated for about two months, before I got here with the Shield and after my terrible relationship with Danny. Corey broke it off. I was pissed, because I knew he was cheating on me with another girl and yet he never told me until we split. He caused it, but still wants to remain on speaking terms with me. I don't think so. I haven't told Seth, Dean or Roman, afraid of their reaction. . especially now.

'I haven't seen them in the gym, I doubt you could miss them too. . I mean I wouldn't expect them to be so far away from you, they're whipped.' He chuckled pulling his bag higher onto his shoulder and I narrowed my eyes.

'I swear to god there's always been something about you Corey,' I contemplated knowing now that I had him listening. 'I understand it now; you're jealous that I can make something of my career in this company and you can't.'

I had lost all respect for this man, I loathed him and for the fact he was calling the three guys whipped. I didn't care how low I stooped. Sure I used a common insult, that he'd probably already heard - regardless it had the desired impact.

His face dropped, he frowned at me and continued out of the hotel gym as I went in. Leaving my bag beside a locker before I entered looking around for the boys.

Soon enough I spotted them, Roman was lifting some weights near a mirror and Seth was in the empty ring at the back, running the ropes a few times before practicing his flips. Dean, he was just like he mentioned in his note. He was jumping rope beside the ring with earphones in, most likely on full blast.

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