Chapter 1- The Escape

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--Cara Walker POV--

My heart pounded out of my chest and my hands began to shake.

I am finally doing it.

I drove down the road in a small Chevy Malibu not quite sure where I am going to go next. I guess I will just have to drive and see where I end up. Anywhere is better than what I just left.

A shiver ran through my body as I thought back at what all I went through. And I was glad that I left.

For the past 3 years I have put up with his games and now I was putting an end to it. I would not let Jeffrey Ford end my life.

That is if I can pull this off.

I looked down at the radio and saw that it was nearing 6 am. It just registered that I have been driving for 7 hours straight. My neck was beginning to become stiff, and I knew I would have to stop and stretch soon. But of course, I had the fear that he would find me the sooner I stopped..

So I kept going.

A few more hours flew by, and I have officially reached a place that was far enough, Georgia. I pulled off an exit ahead at a small car dealership. I should trade out my car for another, that way if he comes looking for me he can't depend on the Malibu waiting for him.

A few conversations with dealers and a bunch of paperwork later, and I have traded my Malibu in for a used Veloster. I quickly threw my bag in my new car, and took off down the road again.

I decided that the next time I stop, it will be the place where I would settle for a few days.

This escape has spent nearly 2 years in planning. So I was well off with money now. I had enough saved to get me a small house, and still be well off.

A small sign came into my sight and I liked the name instantly. It read:

'Welcome to SmallVille! Population: 400.'

I drove by the sign and came into a small little town. It looked like one out of a movie. The buildings were rustic looking, and they had the necessities that people could get by with.

On the right side of the road there was a barber shop on the end, with a small sign that was barely visible from the paint peeling off. Next to it was two shops side by side. One was a nick nack looking store, and the other seemed to be a clothing store. On the other end was a hardware store.

On the other side of the street was a grocery store, and a diner. I smiled and pulled into the spot in front of the diner. I could use some food after my long drive. I got out of my car, and made my way into the tiny diner.

The doorbell jingled as I walked in, and I read a sign telling people to seat themselves. The diner seemed to have quite a few people inside, and they all seemed to be looking right at me.

Must not be used to having new people around.

I put a smile on my face and kept my head down as I walked to the nearest empty booth. I was thankful that it was in the corner of the diner, away from most of the customers.

"Welcome to Betsy's Diner! My name is Susie and I will be serving you today! May I start you off with something to drink?" A small lady with brunette hair said with the most southern accent I have ever heard. I'm going to have to get used to that.

"Umm.. I'll have a sweet tea.." I stated and she smiled. "Alright! I'll be right out with that!"

I watched her walk away and I opened up the menu in front of me. My stomach grumbled and I scanned the menu.

The waitress returned with my sweet tea, and I ordered the Farmer's Breakfast. I slowly sipped on my tea and glanced around at the diner.

The interior looked as though it hasn't been updated in a decade. In the corner was an old jukebox that lit up, the vinyl on the booths were a shiny black, and the floors were just as shiny. The tiles were checkered, alternating from black to white. The walls were a simple white color, with the bottom portion painted white.

My waitress brought my food to my table and I dug in. I didn't realize how hungry I truly was until my plate was gone, and I felt the need for more. I settled with another sweet tea and a chocolate chip muffin for dessert. The door jingled at the front, and my eyes shifted to who was coming in.

There was a little boy who looked to be about 8 years old. He had short brown hair, and was dressed in jeans, and a red rocket tshirt. Following behind him was the cutest little girl I have ever seen. She had curly blonde hair, and she looked to be no older than 5. She was dressed in a little blue dress that was covered in polka dots.

The final person was a man. I couldn't make out his face because he was looking down at the little girl in front of him as she was explaining something to him, but let me tell you, he was something to look at.

He was wearing a white tshirt that clung to his muscular body, a pair of blue jeans with a belt buckle, a brown pair of cowboy boots, and to top it off he wore a brown cowboy hat on his head.

"Can I get pancakes?" The little girl asked as they walked closer to my booth. "Of course sweetheart. You can order whatever you want." He answered. The three took a seat at a booth across from mine. The two children sat on one side, and the man sat across from them. I watched the three of them interact some more before the waitress returned with my check. I reached for my purse and pulled out my card. She disappeared and I looked back to the table to see the man now staring at me. My heart sped up as we made eye contact, and he smiled and looked back at the little girl and boy across from them. He said something to them before standing up.

I watched as he headed my way and I got instantly nervous. I haven't even talked to another man since Jeffery. As he got closer to the table I decided to stare at my empty glass of sweet tea. Maybe if I ignored him he would go away.

 I saw his shadow on the table, and prayed that he would just disappear. That wasn't going to happen.

He cleared his throat and my head snapped in his direction. It was then that I took in his beautiful blue eyes, and his jawline that had to be chiseled by God itself. He had a little bit of stubble that matched the color of his dark brown hair. "Hello, you must be new in town. My name is Tanner." He smiled down at me. I felt like I was going to melt, his smile was perfect.

"My names Cara." I responded surprised that I could get a word out. "Nice to meet you Cara." He replied and opened his mouth to say something else, but was cut off by the little girl running his way.

"Daddy!" She said excitedly and my heart dropped. It never registered in my head that he could possibly be the children's father. My gaze shifted to his hand and I noticed the absence of a wedding band and I felt a little better. At least I couldn't feel bad about checking him out.

"What is it sweetie?" He asked bending down to her level. I smiled at the scene before me. "Cole said that we were going to the park!" She stated with wide eyes and I heard Tanner laugh.

"Why, yes we are. But we have to eat first." He informed her. The waitress returned with my receipt and it was then that the little girl noticed me. Tanner followed her gaze and smiled.

"Lilly this is Cara." Tanner gestured and the little girl smiled shyly. "Hi.." She grabbed her father's leg and tried to hide. "Hi there. I love your dress." I smiled kindly and she smiled back. Tanner watched the exchange and chuckled.

"Well it was nice meeting you two. I should get going." I smiled standing up. Tanner stood up from Lilly and nodded. "It was a pleasure meeting you too. I'll see you around." He winked before walking back to his booth.

I smiled to myself as I grabbed my purse and walked outside. He was a really nice guy, not to mention he was incredibly good looking. I made my way to my car and climbed inside. Maybe this town wouldn't be a bad place to stay. It seemed to be secluded enough to where Jefferey would never find me. I started up the engine and took off down the road.

Now I only have to find a place to stay.

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