Meet Zelo's mom

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 It was now currently 10 AM & you were in the kitchen cooking for Zelo. You decided to make some Ramen, Sushi, Kimchi, Grilled Fish and Rice Balls for him. After putting a satisfying amount you packed it all up in boxes and wrapped it up in some cloth. You went up to your room and threw on a pair of black shorts and a black shirt throwing a light green sweater on top. Heading downstairs you put on your shoes and then grabbed the box filled with food and headed over to Zelo’s house. “He should be awake by now. Hopefully he’ll like it. Did I put too much in or did I not put enough in?” You said to yourself.

A woman opened the door upon seeing you, she smiled “Oh are you the new girl who just moved in?” She asked with a smile. “I’m Junhong’s mom” she said. You nodded and bowed “Yes, my name is (Y/N). It’s so nice to meet you” You said returning the smile. “Is Zelo here by any chance?” She nodded calling for Zelo. “Yeah, he should be up by now. I have to get going for an appointment right now. Please go inside” She said nodding letting you in. You smile and nod entering the house. You set down the box and take off your shoes putting on some slippers. “I brought food, for you guys to eat, please enjoy it” you said motioning to the box. Zelo’s mom nodded “Thank you, when I come back I will try it, I know it’ll be good.” She said laughing a little. “I have to get going to for now, Junhong will be down in a minute.” She shouted for Zelo one last time before nodding to me and leaving. 

Zelo walked down the stairs lazily, wearing a plain white t-shirt and sweatpants “What is it Omma?” He asked while scratching his head still half asleep. You started at him giving off a soft giggle. You couldn’t help it but he looked so adorable like that. He heard a giggle and immediately opened his eyes looking at you. “What are you doing here at this time?!” he asked pointing at you, eyes wide open. “Erm, the cooked food. Don’t you want it?” You asked with a smile as you held out the box setting it on the table. “Ohh.. Okay.. I guess you met my mom then?” he asked as he reached the end of the stairs. You nodded “Yes I did, she’s really nice.. Unlike someone I know” you said and rolled your eyes while looking at him. “What? I’m not nice?! I’m the nicest person you will ever meet!” he said pointing at himself fully awake now walking up to you. 

Jongup walked down the stairs slowly seeing what was going on. Once he saw you both, he opened his eyes widely and hid back behind the wall of the stairs. He took out his phone from his sweatpants and turned on the camera. “If something happens, I get it on camera.” He whispered to himself laughing silently. “Of course you are” you said sarcastically. “Well, anyways I brought you food, there’s some Ramen, Kimchi, Grilled fish, Rice Balls and Sushi in there. Enjoy it. I’ll be going now” You nodded as you started to head to the door. 

Zelo quickly grabbed your arm pulling you back into a hug. “No, you’re not leaving. Not today"

-END OF PART FOUR | To Be Continued~ 

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