Chapter 6

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The next day I went into school exhausted. I stayed up all night panicking and reading. Today I'm gonna hang out with Mickey, Jacob, and their basketball friends.

"EEEE!" I shriek as I trip over uneven sidewalk on the way to school.

" Chica! Be more careful!" A girl says as she catches my hand, pulling me up. She sounds Jamaican, kind of.

"Sorry, I'm just mega tired." I say.

The girl i see is bronze with short back hair, that only goes down to about the bottom of her shoulder blades. She's wearing galaxy leggings and a shirt that only goes down to the end of her ribcage at one end, going on a diagonal slant downwards. By the time it reaches her other side it is at her waist.

"Who you be? I've never seen you before. " she says not meanly, just curiously.

"I'm Maya. I don't think I've ever seen you either." I say politely.

"I'm Crush." She says, offering me a hand to shake.

I shake her hand and continue to walk with Crush following.

"So who's the boy who kept you up all night?" Crush asks.

"How'd you know it was a boy that kept me up? I never mentioned a boy." I ask.

"Chica, I'm a girl too." She says.

We walk up the steps to school, when Clarisse and her gang jumped from the bushes next to the steps.

Clarisse jumped right at me. Tish, Clarisses second in command, jumped at Crush.

I ducked, to avoid Clarisse, and let her fall to the ground.

My monsters out now.

Clarisse was on her feet in seconds. She may be strong, but she's bulky, so I have the advantage.

I lunged at Clarisses collarbone and sharply dug my fingernails into her chest and dragged as far and as hard as I could. Clarisse screamed and kicked my in the ribs. I recoiled, but quickly was back up. I dove under her punch coming at me and grabbed her back. I kicked her in the spine so she would fall forward and I could help Crush.

Crush was on the ground, bloodied and crying. Tish was yelling profanities as she punched Crush.

I dove low and knocked Tish onto the pavement. Tish hit the ground long enough for me to grab Crush with my good arm. I dragged her up and ran up the steps.

"We will get you little girl!"Clarisse yelled behind us.

"I'm good Chika." Crush laughs after we're in the school.

"Did you see how mad Tish got?" I laughed.

"How could I not?" She laughed.

The bell rang. We exchanged numbers and ran off to our separate classes.

In science, I got a note passed to me.

Dear Maya,
I'm your school guardian angel. I heard him talking with his jocks and you might get an unexpected message in your locker today. That's what I heard him say in the form of a letter. I know this message won't be in your locker, but I know one will.
- Unknown

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