Chapter 15

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Adam's POV

"I know you have her." I growl.

"I hit the girl and showed her her place. I wouldn't kidnap her." Mickey has perfect Pokerface.

Why am I doing this? I don't care about anyone. Except Kian. I would kill for Kian. And Tanner.

Tanner pushes past me.

"Maya is like me and Adams daughter. I swear to God I will kill you if you've hurt her." Tanner growls. He's tall and kinda strong, a few centimeters shorter than Mickey.

"Get off my back about a dumb girl. I don't give two poos about a girl. Any girl, for that matter." Mickey laughs and walks away.

As soon as Mickey has left the park, Tanner started silently crying.

"She's dead. All the leads we have are dead ends. It's been a week. Over 48 hours is when people think their dead." Tanner puts his head in his hands.

I slip an arm over his shoulder. I feel warm when I'm with Tanner, not to mention alone with him.

Tanner leans on my shoulder. I'm taller than him, so it works.

A few tears start to drop down my cheeks. Don't cry. Never cry unless it matters. My mom used to tell me that. She died of cancer.


Tanner's POV

I sat and cried for a long time.

"C'mon. We'll meet Jacob at my place to see if we can find Maya. " Adam says quietly. He has no idea how beautiful he is when he does that.

I grab his hand and lace my fingers through his.

"Look at the stars." I whisper. My heart is going a million miles a minute. I don't know how Adam feels about me. I don't want to mess up our friendship.

Adam looks at the stars, then looks at me.

"I love you, Tanner." He whispers.

"I..." Oh my god. "I love you too."

We walk out of the park with an awkward amount of space between us. His place is just across the street.

As soon as Adam opens the door, a little boy with chocolate brown hair, blue eyes, Levi's, and a blue hoodie runs up to Adam.

"Dad!!" The boy shouts and jumps into Adams arms. Adam ruffles his hair.

"Hey, Kian!" Adam pokes his forehead and the boy laughs. He seems around 8 or 9.

"Who's that?" The boy points his tiny hand at me.

"That's my....uh..friend Tanner. My friend Jacob is coming over soon, so I'll make dinner, then I need ya to go up to your room and play, okay?" Adam asks Kian.

"Okay Daddy." The boy hips up onto one of the bar stools at the coffee bar.

This is so confusing. Adam has a son? I thought he was gay. Well, he could be bisexual. But that's not the point.

"Can I come in?" Jacob's head pops through the door.

"Yeah!" Adam shouts from the kitchen.

Jacob comes in and stands next to me. His eyes widen.

"That's his son, Kian." I whisper to him.

"Son?!" He whispers back.

"Well, I don't know if he's his SON but I'm pretty sure Adam is raising him."

"Woah." Jacob says.

"Okay, Kian, go upstairs. Do you have any homework?" Adam asked.

"Yes..." Kian groaned.

"Then go do your homework, then you can play. Okay?" Adam asked.

"Alright dad." Kian dashed up the steps to his room.

"Dude, you have a kid?" Jacob asks.

"Yeah. In NYC I found him in the streets asking for food or money, so I picked him up and have raised him as my own." Adam says this like its the most casual thing in the world.

"Okay. Well, back on track here. Did you guys find anything about where Maya could be?" Jacob asks. Adam turns to me.

"Mickey acted suspicious, so we might want to look around the area he lives in." I chime in.

"We won't have to." Jacob says confidently.

"Why? Is his idea not good enough?" Adam asks challengingly. He takes a step forward too.

"No. I know where she is." Jacob says.

"Where?" I ask.

"3 towns over. In Rylin. I don't know where in Rylin, but I know that's where she is."

"Tomorrow's Saturday. We go to Rylin then." Adam smacks the countertop to emphasize his point.

"Okay. To Rylin." I say.

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