My Protecter

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Imagine u were walking to the park and this guy come ups and tries to hit on u well u tell him to leave u alone and try to walk away but he grabs ur arm!

Well u scream and no one cares untill this one guy comes up and grabs the guy by his neck and throws him off u and tells him to take a walk well the guy go to swing at him and he dodges and knocks the guy out!!

He then comes up to u and asks "Are u alright mam?!" And u say "Yes thanks to u!" And he says "My names Chandler." And then u say "My names Y/N!"

While u guys are walking and talking more and more u realize u need to be home well he walks u home then says txt me and walks away and u are very happy!!

Chan-Fan ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora