Chapter 3

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~Raven P.O.V~

I walked out of second period and made my way outside near the mini forest area the school has. I sat down and pulled my phone out of my pocket and put my head phones in my ears. I played Fall Out Boy and put my phone on my lap. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the music going through my ears.

The light got darker so I opened my eyes to see what was blocking it. I saw two boys standing infront of me. I took the headphones out my ears and they started talking. " sorry but this is where me and uh my friends hang out..uh do you mind uh..." The taller one with black hair said "can you move?" said the smaller one with red and black hair "you dont have to if you dont want to..." said the taller one. I stood up not wanting to say anything.  Avoiding eye contact I picked my bag and phone up and started walking away.  "Thank you!" they both shouted.

I saw two other people walking up this direction. they both looked familiar but they were rather far away for me to tell. I looked down at my phone, I felt both of their eyes on me as I walked passed them.

I ignored it and went to my locker. I grabbed the equiptment I needed for the next two classes and shut my locker. After that I went to third period -History- I looked at the seating plan and sat in my place; in the middle row on the left side of the class. the bell went and the class flooded with people. everyone started taking their seats and the teacher came in.

The chair next to me was pulled away from the desk as someone sat next to me. I looked at them only to see the short guy with red and black hair sit next to me. He looked at me and then smiled "Hey! sorry 'bout earlier" he said happily "Uh...I-Its fine" I mumbled "Oh cool! Im Frank- Frank Iero but my friends call me Frankie" he said and put his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand and shook it "I-Im Raven.. m-my friends call me Ray" I said and then pulled my hand away "well Its nice to meet you Ray. haha strange one of my friends are called Ray" he said smiling.

The class went quiet and the teacher stood up "alright class..." the teacher wrote his name on the white board "Im Mr.Bamber" (sorry im using my actual History teacher....Hes Rad though) "lets learn eachothers names first. It will go from the front row to the back...I want you to tell me your first and last name and a hobby of yours" he smiled "Im Mr.Bamber and my Hobby is Reading" he then point to the 1st person.

"Im Taylor Chambers and my hobby is making Jewelry" said a high pitch blonde girl. the next people went until it was my turn "uh..I-Im Raven and...uh M-My hobby is Playing Guitar" I said nervously "ohh which type of Guitar?" asked Mr.Bamber "Uh...A-Acoustic...Bass and I-Im learing Rhythm" I said Looking at my hands "Nice" he said "Im Frank Iero and I play Guitar too"he smiled . The lesson went on and we finished all the tasks.

The bell went and everyone rushed out the classroom. I walked out and went to fourth period - Art- I sat right at the back of the class since there wasnt any seating plan. Everyone got in and sat down. The teacher had asked us to Draw objects that are important to us and stuff that we like in the A3 books she gave us. she also gave us A4 books "the A4 books are for class work that is drawing. The A3 is for paintings and designing." she said.

The door opened and in came the tall guy with black hair from earlier "sorry im late miss" he said and handed her a slip. "Its fine..sit down in the empty seat near the girl with Black and Blue hair pleace" sh said not really caring for names. He saw me and smiled and sat next to me. 'Out of all the seats that were empty he decided to sit next me..why?' I thought kind of annoyed. "H-Hey" he said nervously "H-Hi" I replied shyly "s-sorry about makeing you move" he said "I-Its fine" I said and started drawing band logos and instruments that I play along with writing lyrics down by the bands.

"thats cool" said the black haired guy "uh...t-thanks" I replied carrying on "I knew I forgot something! Im Gerard but you can call me Gee or Gerard" he said smiling "Raven" I replied. "Nice name..have any nicknames you want me to call you or..?" he asked "M-My friends call me Ray" I said for the second time today. "Haha nice. I have a friend called Raymond but we call him Ray" he said smiling.

Gerard and I were talking through the lesson about random shit like how we both hate about the school and the people. the bell went and we both left "Bye Gerard" I smiled "Bye Raven!" he said and then ran off.

I went to my locker and put the books I dont need into it. I then went outside and sat down underneath a tree that was placed randomly; along with a few more.

I then saw a mix of colours walk over to me being led by someone in pink and someone in red and blue. "Shit" I said quietly and stood up with my bag. They obviously saw me and half the group started running up to me. I ran as fast as I could away. I then felt someone grab my arms and pull me back. "LET GO!" I screamed and struggled to get away. I then felt a fist go into my stomach as much as it hurt I still tried to get away "no chance" said the familiar voice. I started kicking at the people behind me and the person infront of me. I felt someone kick my leg and then punch me again and again. 

I fell to the floor in pain as they left me. worst part was that the field area is really big so it would take ages now to get to the nurses office. "Raven! Raven!" I heard "Fuck!" said the voice as I heard the footsteps get quicker and closer. I looked up to see Alex. I smiled "Hey Alex" I coughed "shit.shit.shit.what happened Raven?" he asked worried "Matt happened" I coughed more.

He sighed and helped me up. He put my arm around his neck and we slowly made our way to the nurse. We got there and he knocked on the door. "Come in~" said the very happy nurse she turned around and her eyes widend "Raven what happened?" she asked already knowing the answer "Whats it look like" I smiled "Hey Jane" I said as Alex placed me on the bed and sat next to me.

She sorted me out and then wrote an email to both Alexs and My teachers "It wasnt as bad as last time" she said to me and gave us a slip to leave the school grounds early "Jane we have 40 minutes left of class" I said "Its fine go early" she said smiling "Thanks Jane" I said "Thanks Miss Kers" said Alex "your wlecome" she said.

We left then my phone buzzed. I got it out my pocket and saw a text. It was from Damien it said 'change of plans.. Meet me in town..and sad last day no school' I smiled and limped with Alex to town.

 "Hey!" Shouted Damien "Hey!" we both shouted back "why did we meet here?" I asked "I'll show you later" He said "lets just waste money in town for now!" he said happily "haha sure" Alex and I laughed.

~time skip~

By know school had finished and many people were walking through town "I gotta go" Alex said  Damien and I replied with a bye and walked off to the bridge.

We got there and I stopped near a motorbike "Shit! this is a nice one!" I said looking at it wide eyed."Thanks" Damien said. I looked at him "no way!" I said Smiling "yes way" he smirked back "Here he said handing me a helmet and then put his on. I Put the helmet on and got on his Motorbike.

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