Words n stuff

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Oh yeah the guys were PISSED in the morning. I thought it was pretty fucking funny while Andy didn't because he was the one getting his ass kicked for it. After the guys were done chasing each other around the hotel room they started complaining that they were hungry

"Well what do you want to eat. There is a breakfast bar downstairs?"

"EWWWWWWW "I swear they said it exactly at the same time.

"Well what do you want then?"

"MCDONALDS" cc yelled

"Okay it's better than the breakfast bar. You guys stay here and I'll go get it what do you guys want?"

After the guys finished telling me their orders I went into McDonald's to order their food. I immediately regret choosing walking in instead of the drive through. Because right fucking there is my fucking whore of a fucking sister........

I turn around and ignore her and hope she doesn't see me. After I order and I'm about to walk out she walks up to me.

"All that food for you? Your already fat enough."

"I...uh...its for..."

"Oh look you still can't talk. I see you still listen to those shirt bands too?"
She says pointing at my falling in reverse hoodie.

"Well.....yeah....but they aren't...."

"Here let me help you" and that little bitch pushed me as hard as she could into the wall and Food flew everywhere. The restaurant erupted with laughter. People were pointing and staring. With tears forming in the brims of my eyes I stood up and whipped most of the food off of me and ran outside before she could embarrass me more. Once I got outside McDonald's I started bawling. I called Andy because I didn't think I would be able to drive I was shacking so badly.

"Hey. Is every okay Carolyn?"

"Not...reallyy" I said in between sobs.

"Carolyn what happened? Were are you? I'll come and get you."

"I was in....mcdonalds....and my...sis..sister."

"Shhhh it's okay you don't have to say anything else I'm coming. Were are you?"

"Mcdonalds. hurry...she....might come back."

Andy was there in less than ten minutes and he brought Ash and CC. Just when Andy pulled up my slutty sister came walking towards me.

"Leave her the fuck alone!" Ashley yelled as he ran up to us

"Well I'll leave her alone as long as I can have a piece of you?" She was all over ash while me and the rest of the guys watched in disgust.

"Get off of me bitch" Ashley said and pushed her off into the side walk.

"Cough cough whore"cc said and we all died laughing. Even though I still felt like shit. My whore of a sister finally left and Andy came and hugged me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm better now that you guys are here" Andy smiled and pulled me in for a hug. Ash went inside and told the manager what happened and we got more food for free.

"Carolyn. Please eat." Cc begged with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not that hungry right now."

"You've barley ate anything except for some of that candy last night." Andy protested.

"Well I'm still full from that I said and stuck my tongs out at Andy.

*Andy's POV*

Carolyn's really worrying me with her not eating. She's so tiny she barley weight anything. I don't want her to get any smaller and get sick or get put into therapy or some shit like that. I want her to be here with me. She's safer with me. I can protect her from all the bad guys I'm like her batman. I never want to see her get hurt again. I lover her.......

*carolyns POV*

Andy was staring at me and I wasn't going to say anything cuz I didn't want the guys to notice but I'm pretty sure we all did.

"Andy didn't anyone ever tell you that starring was rude" cc said and all the guys died laughing.

"Uhh....lets get back to the bus" Andy said shyly to me

Me and Andy walked back to the hotel and got out stuff and loaded it onto the bus while we waited for the other guys so we could get jake and jinxx

"Uh....so carolyn there's something I need to talk to you about.."andy said in a very nervous voice.

"Uh yeah sure. What is it"

"For a while now...or I guess ever since I met you I've had a huge cru" just then Andy was cut of by a loud pounding at the door

"Uhh you gonna get that?"

Andy got up and walked to the tour bus door. When he opened it there stood the last thing I wanted to see.




Why the fuck is she fucking here again that bitch was here this morning too. What if her and Andy are getting back together and that's what he wanted to tell me. I'm a retard for thinking he would like me.

"Andy I missed you" and then Juliet tackled Andy with her mouth. Andy was pushing her away obviously not wanting her on top of him. When Andy finally got her off she was panting.

"Juliet what the fuck I don't like you! That's why I fucking broke up with you. You cheated on my you dirty little bitch."

"Oh Andy you know you want me back. That other guy meant nothing."

"I don't fucking care. I don't like you you little whore. "

Andy then pushed her out of the bus and slammed the door shut and locked it.

"I'm so sorry about that Carolyn. She's fucking crazy."

I guess me and Andy kinda forgot about what we were talking about before Juliet came and started watching a movie. It was really cold on the bus so I tried to keep myself warm but I wasn't working. Andy must have noticed because he pulled me into him and we cuddle up on the couch. Right before I fell asleep in his arms Andy started singing Carolyn to me.

Unbroken // Andy Biersack \\Where stories live. Discover now