Chapter 23,

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Hitomi's pov

"Why not?" I ask, shock clear in my face and voice.

"My- our father is Shredder, Oroku Saki. Our mother was killed by the Hamato's and you were taken and raised by them. We were all mutated accidentally at the same time. It's why we are turtles. Hitomi, please. Believe me." he says. I think about it, is he telling the truth? I mean, it does seem kinda really strange that both our parents would be males. NO we are both Hamato's! Not Saki's. Hamato's. No matter what. WAIT!

"NO! Vincent no. Look." I say and pull out the picture of us both as babies and our parents. I show it to him.

"That doesn't prove anything. For all I know that was for knowing who the targets were." he says, I can tell though that he isn't sure of how he feels. I can't blame him. He was raised for 15 years thinking he is a Saki.

"It isn't! VINCENT THESE ARE OUR PARENTS! WE ARE HAMATO'S! Shell I will bet my life that if we do a DNA test it will come out positive for heavens sake just believe me!" I yell. He is taken back by my sudden outburst but I am still ticked that A, he smoke bombed me AGAIN! B, he refuses to even try and trust me. and C, he just ticks me off right now.

"Oh really? Hitomi, I know that it's hard to believe but at least try." he pleads.

"Only if you do." I say and hand him the picture. He hesitates but takes it. I smile slightly with no intention of thinking it over. I know what I am.

"I'll be back with breakfast soon." he says and walks out. I pull out my t-phone and text mom.

I'm trying to convince him but he locked me in a jail cell. They didn't take anything from me though.

Not even your sais really?

Well, I may or may not have not brought them.

WHAT! Hitoomiiii!

oops :) It's ok I took the keys from Karai and I know where the weapons room is. But Vincent is trying to convince me Shredder is our father and I'm a Saki. Don't worry I know that's not true.

Good. Please, just get out of there as soon as possible.

I will

Love you

Love you too. And tell dad I love him too. :)

Will do.

I put my phone away and look for anywhere to hide things. This place is nothing but a box with bars. Except for a single vent that's welded to the wall. I walk over to it anyway and trace the outline with my finger. It isn't welded at all. It might have been at one point but not anymore. I remove the cover to see that the actual vent is blocked off. I look for cameras or motion sensors or something just incase, nothing. I smile and place everything in there. I put the cover back on and sit. Wait, for nothing. At all.

Raph's pov

"She's in a jail cell." Leo yells from outside the dojo. I punch the dummy one more tie and it goes flying to the other side of the room.

"HE LOCKED HER UP!?" I yell walking out of the room.

"Yeah, but they didn't take anything from her. Nothing at all." he responds, I go from angry to shocked. "She's texting me." he says. I nod and jump over the couch to sit next to him. "Oh and she says she loves you." I smile.

"She needs to get out of there before Vincent gets to her." I say reading the texts on his phone.

"He wont get to her. She knows who she is." he replies.

"Then it's even more important to get to her before Shredder does something to her. We both know how far he'll go to get what he wants." I say getting worried.

"Did you not see that she has a key. She can get out. Shredder wont do anything to her. He wants us, he wont give up on getting Master Splinter. If we go there then he just has one more way to get to him." Leo reasons. I frown, he's right. I hate admitting it but he's right. I nod.

"We still need to tell them. We haven't even mentioned Vincent to any of them." I say.

"Yeah I know. We will tomorrow." he says.

"Ok. What will we say?" I ask.

"No clue. What will they say?"

"I don't really want to think about that." I say, and then April walks in.

"Guys, I need to talk to you." she says. We nod and walk to the dojo.

"Hitomi found Vincent." she says. I give her my 'no duh' face and Leo just crosses his arms.

"Yeah, we noticed." I say.

"Oh. How?" she asks.

"She told us. Then we told her everything about him and Karai. Vincent kidnapped her and now she's in Shredders jail cell." I explain. She looks at me shocked and confused.

"Hitomi was kidnapped and is now in a jail cell and you didn't feel the need to tell any of us! You also don't really care that, I don't know, IT'S SHREDDER'S JAIL!?" She yells. Leo puts his hands down and I let him explain.

"They didn't take anything from her and only want her to think that she's a Saki. We have contact with her and she has the keys to get out. She's only trying to get Vincent to have even a chance at believing he's a Hamato." He says, April keeps her look of confusion.

"So why didn't you tell us?" She asks. By this point I'm annoyed and done with her talking about the two children that are gone.

"Because we sent her in there." I say.

"YOU DID WHAT!" She yells.

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