Chapter 27, going home

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Hitomi's pov.
I'm humming my favorite song, wondering what to do. I haven't texted mom or dad yet today but it's almost time for my lunch to be served so I don't want to risk it yet. I have that key, I could see if it works but once again, almost lunch, don't really want to risk it so... Just sitting on the cold concrete floor and wondrring how aunt Miwa did it all those years ago. I think she sawed the bars cause I can tell they had to weld a bar together at some point but who knows. My parents never asked.

When will Vincent believe me? I mean. Come on! This is harder then I thought. I don't have much time left. What if I can't get him to believe me before mom and dad come?

Then the door opens. I was expecting Karai today but no. It's Vincent.

"Vincent? I thought it be Karai." I say.

"So did I but she's being her usual snappy, stupid self so.." he says and closes the door. There's a camera right above the door that sees the entire place, the last thing I expected was for him to stab it and yet, that's what he does. Just, takes his katana and stabs it leaving me shocked.

"Vincent? What are you doing?" I ask, backing up in the cell. I go to the corner where I hid my one kunai just in case.

"I believe you Hitomi." he says turning to me.

"What!?" I ask, my voice filled with every bit of shock I am in right now.

"Hitomi I believe that I am a Hamato." he says coming to the door of the cell.

"You do? I mean great but really? Like, this isn't some joke or trick or anything?" I ask standing up and walking closer to the vent with my stuff.

"Of course not Hitomi. I want to go home." he says. He turns to check the door and for the first time ever I notice the long thick scar on the back of his left leg.

"Oh thank Thor!" I whisper. Yes I just quoted how 2 train your dragon! Anyway, I open the vent and decide to ask about the scar later. I take my stuff and take out the key right as he takes out his. I walk to the door and open it.

"You had a key?" he asks. I nod.

"Aunt Miwa isn't the most observant." I shrug and take his arm. I start to pull him out of the room, pulling out my T-Phone as I go.

"Fair enough." he says as he follows along.

"Ok, we need to jump out the window to the left." I say looking at the map on my phone. I see him nod out of the corner of my eye but I also see a little pain in his face. Why? "You ok?" I ask, looking at him and making sure there are no foot bots.

"... Yeah. Just, I don't know. It really hurts to know that the person I thought loved me... only wanted me dead." he says. I stop walking all together and look him straight in the eye.

"He wanted what!?" I whisper yell.

"He never loved me Hitomi..." he says. I can see the tears forming in his eyes so I pull hi in for a hug. He hugs back immediately "Never..." he says. I feel the small drop of water on my shell and almost cry too. How dare Shredder!? I mean, I get it, we're his enemies yeah but really?

"Shredder is a cruel person. We love you though Vincent. Mom and dad always have and always will." I say trying to comfort him though I feel like I'm failing miserably! I just feel him nod and frown a bit. He pulls away and we continue our path to the window that seem right there but just getting further, like UHG! Why you got to be so far away window!?  I think, mentally cursing the long hallways. We finally approach the window and it's already open. We both jump out of the window and on to the roof next to it. I feel the wind brush past me as we fall to it and the cool night air filling my lungs that were being suffocated from the heat and stuffiness of the cell.

"I want a new mask." he says out of no where when we land.

"Why?" I ask bringing my brows together.

"The Shredder gave me this one after telling me he loved me. I don't want anything to do with the man who kidnaped me. Took me away from my parents and sister. I want nothing to do with his lies either." he says, venom and pain in his voice. It makes me sad, how he's lived for the past 15 years.

"I'm sure mom or dad will let you. What color do you think you want?" I ask, trying to be careful with my words. He just shrugs.

"No clue. But I don't want this thing." he says and takes off his mask. he just stares at the cloth in his hand a bit and then throws it. It flurries in the wind and lands in some alley. I nod and take his wrist.

"We can figure all this out when we get home." I say and smile. He smiles too and nods bringing me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and smile.

"Thank you Hitomi." he whispers. I smile, nod, and close my eyes.

"Everyone needs you home. We all want you back, I really do too." I whisper. I feel him smile and he nods.

"So my mom is really a male?" he asks, totally killing the moment. He chuckles and I smile, shoving him back a bit playfully, smiling too.

"Yes. Our mom is a male." I say and roll my eyes. I pull him along, back down to the lair and tell him everything about everything, walking slow to save time.

Vincent's pov

We walk and she talks until we reach the entrance to the lair. I'm home. I can tell. I am finally back home.

Hey peeps, so I know HAPPY ENDING! This book is so not ending yet! I just have to make that clear! This is not ending! SO I really want to know what you guys are thinking... Idk, like, what should Vincent's mask color be? How do you think the others will react? You know, just... yeah. I suck at these so just tell me what you're thinking. Ok, well..... yeah.... wright ya later Lovelies :)


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