Poem: the life of a zoo owl

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The night sky was slowly darkening to my favourite shade of twilight, and the annoying noises I established with my pesky pet humans had dulled to a low hum.

I no longer had the annoying small ones rattling the bars of my prison and disturbing my peace. it was dark, quiet, and scary, I relished in it.

I allowed my gaze to roam and a flicker of white fur caught my attention. Dinner is served, and live feed was my favourite.

I extended my wings and swooped in for the kill. Talons extended to knife like points. I sped towards my prey. But to my dismay the little mouse had sensed my approach and had escaped under the bars of my prison.

Oh to be free! to live unconstrained, how I longed to free myself from theses bars. I swooped back around and came to rest on my wooden stall. my life as a zoo animal was far from desired. I looked with distaste at the bowl of dirt and seeds the humans deemed fit to feed me. if only I was free id dine well each night. mice would fear me. but I knew too well not to dwell on such dreams; it was a waste of my peaceful night.

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