Stevonnie - Parody

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He was a gem.
She was a girl.
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a Warrior.
She did nothing all day.
What more can I say?
He wanted her (as a friend? I don't really know).
And for him she fell.
That's why they get on so well.
And both of her friends stuck up their nose.
They had a problem with his repetetive clothes.

He was her favourite boy.
She said, "See ya later, boy."
Then he would come back for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
They were both trapped on earth.

Five years from now, they dance together.
They're all alone.
She turns on music and guess who takes the lead?
Steven rockin' up the city.
She calls up her friends.
They already know.
That Stevonnie is the latest show.
She moves the arms,
He moves the rest,
Filling the floor with so much love and zestm

He was her favourite boy.
She said, "See ya later, boy."
Holding his hand out just for her.
Now we're a superstar
Slammin' on our guitar
In their hearts they're the only ones with worth?

(I know it isn't exactly a poem but I thought why not?
Shoutout to nataizha's brother. Hope this is better than a poem (if not just ask me for one XD)

- Snowflake)

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