Chapter 9

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5 years later...

Ms. Johnson handed out our maths homework. I heard the sighs spread across the room. We had to do ninety problems; ninety! When everyone started to talk about their scores for their math, Ms. Johnson walked along our wooden desks and stopped at my table. " Indigo Celia Sparks, I expect you to work out the ones you got wrong ok?" she said, with a slight edge in her tone of disappointment. I sigh and started to work on my math. I really wasn't good at math. Neither do I like it. Who would anyway, being interested in stuffy confusing numbers, jumbled up with weird signs. As I skimmed the paper, something caught my eye. There was a tiny red stain on the piece of paper. I thought it was just some of Ms. Johnson's pasta sauce that flew out while she was eating lunch. Not only that, I thought I saw a flicker of movement.I looked up from my test and saw a thin, red ribbon. The peculiar thing is that it looked like it was floating, above my desk! When I snatched the ribbon, I felt a cool breeze once it was in my hand. The bell rang. I quickly lugged all my stuff to my locker. As I swung open the door, a crinkled piece of paper fell out. As I unfolded it, I felt another cool wind. There wasn't any windows open and the air conditioner wasn't turned on."That's odd..." I thought. On the note was cursive handwriting, but what was wrote on it haunted me.

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