Chapter 2

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"I'M BACK!" Connor yelled through the dark apartment. He walked down the hall and found Troye lying on the couch, wearing his hoody and some sweatpants and watching some weird documentary about what looked like sugar and fat.

"Hey, how was your meeting? Also I borrowed some more of your clothes, hope you don't mind." Troye said, looking up at Connor with big eyes and messy hair and looking absolutely adorable in Connors opinion. He had been thinking about the younger boy like that a lot recently, about how cute his hair looks when he hasn't touched it or styled it, or when he rings in the morning and is still speaking with his groggy morning voice, or when he sings under his breath while on his laptop. 'He's a catch,' Connor always thought to himself 'but this round, i'm not a fielder.'

"Con. Connor. CON!" Connor was woken up from his haze by a pillow being flung at his face.

"What just happened? You zoned out for a few minutes!" Troye asked, confused, maybe exaggerating a little bit.

"Just got a lot going on in my head right now. Sorry." Connor didn't add that most of the things going on in his head weren't about the music label or clothing line or Common Culture, or any of the crazy things that had been happening in his life. Most of them were about Troye.

"The meeting was also extremely boring. And the clothes are fine, don't worry." Troye seemed to sense that something was up, and sat up from his position on the sofa before patting the spot next to him.

"Are you okay? Do you need to go see someone? Do you want to talk about anything?" Troye questioned Connor with concern etched on his face until Connor cut him off, telling him he was fine and all he needed was a carefree night watching movies and eating chocolate with his best friend untill three in the morning.

Once they had fetched every blanket and pillow in Connor's flat and made a comfortable place to lie, Troye asked:

"What do you wanna watch, Con?" Connor shrugged his shoulders, obviously very tired, and motioned for Troye to pick. "Or we could just go to bed? You look exhausted."

"No I'm fine, just put a documentary on or something." Connor replied with his eyes closed. Troye suggested restarting the documentary he had been watching earlier, and within a few minutes they were both engrossed in the television.

About ten minutes through the movie Troye could feel Connor getting heavy next to him and he can hear soft snores coming from him. He smiles to him self because he knew that Connor wouldn't last very long because he was so tired. He turned off the T.V and just looked at the smaller boy for a bit. He looked at his soft hair and his closed eyes and his slightly parted mouth. Troye hugged the boy tighter and though about how much he meant to him. What would he do without Connor? Who would he would rant to about music or cuddle with or just spend rainy days on the internet with?

He stared at Connor for a bit longer and his feelings for him just grew more. He had had feelings for the shorter boy since he met him but they just grew and grew as he got to know him more and as they became friends.

Why can't we be more than friends? Troye questioned himself. He hated not being able to just kiss the boy whenever he wanted to and wake up next to him everyday.

"He doesn't love me like that though and even if he did it would be impossible. I live on the other side of the world and I'm not ready to leave my family permanently. Our friendship's already hard enough living in different countries, a relationship would be impossible." thoughts started rushing through his mind.

Sleep started to overcome him while he was thinking about Connor and he eventually fell into a dreamless sleep cuddling the boy he was thinking about.

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