Chapter 9

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Troye wasn't nervous.  Nervous was an understatement. Troye was hysterical.

It was 6:55pm and Connor would be there any moment. Troye hadn't done anything but walk and pace around his Airbnb for about an hour. He didn't know what he was going to do with Connor or where they were going or what he was even going to say to Connor about the previous night. What if he doesn't say anything and maybe Connor will keep quiet too. No, this is something they have to talk about. Sooner or later. Maybe later...

He was wearing blue jeans that had rips in them and his usual white top and denim jacket. He was worried that he might not be dressed up enough or maybe Connor didn't like these jeans, even though he's said on many occasions that he did. But clothes can make or break a date and Connor might think he didn't put any effort into looking decent and ...

"Argh, shut up Troye!" he murmured to himself, burying his face into his hands.

He stopped pacing for a moment to think about what he was going to say to Connor. What do you say to the boy you like, then you had a fight with, then had drunk makeup sex afterwards? Would Connor pretend that maybe nothing happened? He had no clue what he was going to do and Connor would be arriving any second. He fucked up real bad. He knew that, but there was no time dwelling about it, he had to face the consequences.

He went and got a glass of water to maybe calm his nerves but as soon as he grabbed the jug out of the fridge there was a knock at the door and he nearly dropped the jug. He abandoned his glass of water and walked to the door to answer it, wiping his clammy palms on his jeans before opening the door.

Connor was standing in front of him in jeans and a jacket looking really cute with a small smile on his lips. He had a green shirt on, one that Troye has seen a couple times before. His hair was nicely done, as always, but something was off. His smell. He probably bought a new cologne, and it smelled wonderful, like the ones that are advertised with people ripping each others clothes off. "Good God, Troye keep it together this time." he thought to himself.

"Well hi," Connor said while Troye stood there awkwardly trying not to meet Connors eyes.

"Hey, how are you?" Troye responded finally looking Connor in the eyes and trying to act less awkward.

"Good... But a bit confused," Connor admitted. Troye looked at his feet and didn't respond to Connor.

"But we can talk about that later cause right now we should go so we don't miss the sunset. But just wanted to let you know, we WILL talk about it." he added with a little smile, spinning around on his heels, to let Troye out of the apartment.

They got into the car and Troye took note of the red and black picnic blanket and the picnic basket in the back seat.

"So are we going on a picnic?" Troye asked Connor after a few minutes of driving in awkward silence.

"Yeah something like that. Unless you don't want to! We could just go to a café or a restaurant or something." Connor started rambling, reassuring Troye that he wasn't the only one who was nervous about this.

"No No No it's a good idea. It'll be fun." he said, turning on the radio. Slightly less awkward.

The sun was starting to set when Connor pulled up and stopped the car in the parking lot next to the beach that they often went to when Troye was in LA. The sun was setting an orange glow over everything and the view was stunning. Troye grabbed the picnic blanket out of the back seat while Connor grabbed the basket and they started heading down to the desolated beach, silently, exchanging smiles, trying to ease up the tension.

"I know it's a bit stereotypical to go on a picnic to the beach on a date but I thought that it would be nice and we could take lots of nice photos and yeah..." Connor trailed off his ramblings while Troye just smiled at the fact that Connor just called this a date and reassured him that it was a lovely idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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