Chapter 9

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The Denied Mate

Chapter 9

"Thanks," I whispered, smiling at Lukas as I took the coffee from his hands. He smiled at me slightly and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before sitting down next to me. He looked up at Carter, and agitated look on his face.

"Now, Carter, what was so important that you needed to tell me right now?" Lukas said, frowning slightly. Carter narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You know what? It can wait. I'll just let you two get back to whatever it was you were doing, and you can swing by the pack house when your done." Carter stood and walked to the door. "I'll see you two lovebirds later." With that, he was out the door, leaving me and Lukas alone.

I gulped, looking anywhere but Lukas. Lukas shifted slightly, putting my legs over his lap, and turning towards me. "I guess we should talk, huh?" I looked down at my coffee and nodded. I put down my coffee, and grabbed Lukas's hands.

"I know that time is up, but I still want to keep seeing James." Lukas's grip on my hands tightened more on my hands and took his hands up to my lips and kissed them softly. "But, Luke, I've made a connection with him, and that's not something that I can just break off. I genuinely like him, and over these past years, I haven't really made any friends/ had any connections with anyone outside of the few people that you've allowed me to have." Lukas sighed, closing his eyes.

"No Cassia. I gave you three weeks, and that was being lenient to me. You're my mate, and I am yours. I shouldn't have to share you with anyone, let alone another male, a human at that." I closed my eyes, feeling tears start to come out.

"Luke that's not fair! You kept me locked up for five years, while you were out with people, doing whatever the hell you were doing! You know it, and I know it. How do you expect us to be in a relationship when you don't respect me and treat me like an equal? I'm not your toy. You can't just use me when you want to. I'm a person, I demand to be treated like one! Either you will let me keep seeing James, or don't and I'll still manage to see him. There's something there between us, I know it Lukas." Lukas growled and pulled me towards him. I yelped and found myself under him, my arms pinned above my head.

"Connection? You feel a connection? What the hell Cassia? I'm your mate for god sakes! I'm the only one you should be feeling a connection with! I said that you could go on dates with other guys for three weeks, Cassia," Lukas said, looking down at his watch. "And would you look at that? Time's up!" I growled at him, baring my teeth.

"No Lukas! I am still seeing James, whether or not you like it! You do not get to go and do this to me!" Rolling myself over him, I straddled him, ignoring the feelings that were coursing in my body. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to keep seeing James, and you can either deal with it, or not. If you can deal with it, then we can try being friends. We can start a relationship/friendship/acquaintance, whatever the hell you want to call it, or you can go apeshit crazy and lose me forever. Sure, you'll mark me, and sure we'll mate, but you will have no extended emotional connection from me. All of it will be my wolf talking. Yes, I'll feel all these feelings towards you, and yes, I'm guessing we'll have the best sex of our lives, but I, Cassia, won't ever be in it. I will always be resenting you, knowing that you took away five years of my life, five years that I'll never get back."

I got off of Lukas, noticing his shocked expression. "Now, you sit there and think about it for awhile, and come to my apartment whenever you're ready. I have time, I've been waiting five years after all haven't I?"


The time was 8:47 p.m. A soft knock came at my door, making me gulp, smoothing down my t-shirt. I opened the door to find Lukas, hands in his pockets. His hair was crazy, like he'd run his hand through it all day. I opened my door wider, allowing him to come in. Lukas walked in, and sat on my couch. I closed my door, walking into my kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?"

Lukas looked at me. "Do you have beer by chance?" I nodded, and grabbed a beer, handing it to him and sitting across from him. Lukas sighed, looking down at his hands. "Cassia, first off I just wanted to say how sorry I am, for being such a jack ass. I know that jackass is an understatement, but... anyway." Lukas looked up at me. I gulped, hiding my shaking hands. "Even though I am not happy with this at all, I understand. I am not okay with you seeing James at all, but I need you in my life Cassia. And, even if right now we're not together, it's what's making you happy at the moment. And, all I want is for you to be happy Cassie.

"God, I've been so selfish Cassia, and you don't deserve that, not at all. You don't deserve any of what I've put you through these last five years. You deserve better, and from this day forward, I'm going to do whatever I can do, to make sure you get that better that you deserve. Yes, James is your first boyfriend/person you're seeing, but I am going to make one thing clear. Even though he is your first, I am going to be your last. I am going to make you fall in love with me, Cassia. I'm going to show you how I feel, and I'm going to prove to you that I'm the guy for you. I'm the one you're supposed to be riding off in the sunset with, not James.

"I am going to spend the rest of my days on this planet loving you Cassia, and soon enough I can only hope that you'll feel the same way that I do. But, for now, I'll be your friend. I'll be the guy who you can come to when James has you upset. I'll be the guy for you to go do crazy stuff with, or go for a walk whenever. I'll be here when you need me, any time of the day. Just let me in Cassia. Please." Lukas stood up and walked over to me. He bent down and kissed my forehead softly. "I love you, Cassia. And I know somewhere deep down inside you love me too. Not your wolf, and not because of the mark. You, yourself love me back. I can only hope that I'll be able to uncover that part of you."

And with that he walked out the door, leaving me speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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