Chapter 6

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A/N: Nick Merico above. aka Cameron Bullard

Harry POV:
me and and Nate eventually stopped laughing and that's when i noticed we irritated, i think her name was belle? so much she left.

"aye m8, what is your sisters name?" i asked.

"Isabelle Mae Jess Monroe. But most people just call her belle, is or issy." he answered.

Isabelle Mae. i thought to myself. a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. shut up i know it sounds cheesy, don't judge me.

soon me and Nate were playing call of duty in the living room. i wasn't really doing so well though because all i could think about was belle. suddenly the sound of the front door opening interrupted my thoughts and me and Nate's game. It was Isabelle.

Isabelle POV:
after leaving my house and going to Cameron's i found that he wasn't home. i tried going to jax's afterwards until i remembered he was having a family dinner. then i tried going to tori's but she was busy babysitting and i didnt want to bother her. so instead i went to starbucks. i picked up a venti java chip and headed back home.

i sighed as i walked in seeing that harry was still here. i went straight to the kitchen to get a snack.

"C'mon man let's go upstairs so we don't have to talk to my stupid sister." i heard Nate say.

"Fucking douche." i mumbled as i grabbed the jar of twizzlers from the cabinet.

"Well i hope that wasn't about me." i heard from a familiar voice behind me.

nearly dropping my candy i quickly turned to face none other than harry. i smiled innocently and said "of course not" (note the irritation) i started walking out of the kitchen and heard harry let out a little moan. i laughed and continued walking, starbucks and jar of twizzlers in my hands.

"wait!" i stopped and turned around.

"what?" i asked harry annoyed.

"what's your number?" he asked.

"excuse me?" i asked a little surprised.

"i said." he took a step closer to me. he was so close i could feel his breath. "what is you number?" he finished.

"i- i dont feel comfortable giving my number to strangers." shit i stuttered. i hope he didn't notice.

"babygirl im not a stranger anymore." he simply said.

i was about to run out of the kitchen but i guess harry noticed so he wrapped his huge muscled arm around my waist nearly knocking my snacks out of my hands. "pleeaaasseee." he begged.

sighing in defeat i gave him my number and he finally let me go.


i spent the whole time harry was here in my room so i wouldnt have to see him. him and his beautiful cheeky smile, deep dimple i just wanted to poke at, glowing green eyes, perfect hair, and his infamous smirk. ugh he's so annoying. i hate him. but he's so perfect. this boy got me fucked up.

as soon as he left i went downstairs finally able to live in my own house again and not just hide in my room.

after a few minutes though i got a text.


unknown: hey babygirl ;)

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