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Hello! Thanks so much for the comments on the last chapter. They really made my day. Anyways also A MASSIVE thanks for waiting patiently while I was trying to work on this update all week.

. PRAYERS GO OUT TO THOSE AFFECTED BY THE BOSTON BOMBING! Can't believe that the world has resorted to bombing innocent people. It's just sad :c


Elizabeth Rose

I woke up to white ceilings. Where am I?









For god sake! I flung my arm and tried to find the source of the beeping. I heard multiple chuckles.


"It's not your alarm clock RoRo"

I smiled as I heard my newest nickname.



"Where am I ?'

"You don't remeber?"He asked getting on to my hospital bed with me.

"No"; I said. I looked saw others that were there. My father was the only one missing. I guess that's why Liam was calling me RoRo.

'What happened?"

";You got shot"

My eyes popped out of there sockets. Shot?! How? I don't even remember getting a gun!

"By your mothers kidnapper"

Well that explains it.

"Did he get away?" I asked

They all looked to the floor. I guess that's a yes. The boys all looked at me and I saw guilt in their eyes.

";It's not your fault"; I automatically said.

"Yes it it"; the instantly said.

";No. It's not. You aren't the stupid one that went into a school by herself. You aren't the ones that were holding the gun to me. You weren't the one who shot me"

";But we are suppose to protect you!" Zayn said

";No one can protect someone 24/7" I said

They looked down again. I was about to say something when the doctor came in.

He smiled. ";How are you?"

"Quite fine. When can I leave?"

";Woah. Slow down tiger. You just got out of surgery. We need to keep you a couple days to see if everything works out properly"

I blushed an nodded

"But you may leave your room and once a day for 4 hours you may leave the hospital with your parents permission .'

I nodded eagerly. At least I get to leave.

";We'll that's all for now. See you tomorrow."He said and left. As soon as the door closed Liam's phone rang.

"Hello your majesty?" He asked politely.

"Yes. She's awake and doing ok. They said that they were going to keep her a couple if weeks."

"Yes. She can leave whenever. With your permission. So you can deal with that"

There was a couple of minutes of silence as he talked to my father.

"Ok sir. Bye"

I looked at him.

He looked sympathetically at me. "He's going to call the hospital and tell them to let you out with us"

I nodded and then to ruin the moment my stomach growled.

The boys laughed an asked of I was hungry. I nodded quickly.

They went to see if they could take me out.

A couple of minutes later a nurse came in and took off my iv and cords. I bit my lip from the pain when she slid the needle out. It burnt like hell.

Finally she was done and I could leave. Bryson brought me some sweatpants and a baseball tee. This is why I love him.

I took a shower and changed. I looked in the mirror and left my hair natural and did nothing with my face. My green eyes look so dead yet happy.

We were walking down the hospital hall to the doors when I had a sharp pain in my stomach. It wasn't nothing big but it hurt. I gasped. Nobody heard. Probably because they were laughing. I pretended and laughed with them.

We had decided to go to Whataburger , since the boys have never been there. My love for whataburger is unexplainable. The way there burgers are made is just. Mmmmmhhhmmmmmm. I'm drooling just thinkin about it. We pulled up and all got off.

The faces of the workers were priceless. I wouldn't blame them. A huge group of boys plus 1 girl and they are all yelling and shoving. I would be shocked to.

We went up to the counter and decided on what to order. I didn't even have to tell my brothers what I wanted.

"Number 7 with a Coke " they said

I smiled. The number 7. 3 chicken strips I friggin love chicken strip. They are so amazing. I can't explain it. The boys ordered while I went to sit down. I sat down and waited for them to come with the food. I felt the sharp pain teasing me. I groaned and clutched my side.

"Are you ok? Zayn asked

I looked up and faked a smile. "Yeah. I just umm. Have to use to restroom real quick." I said leaving.

I was in the restroom when it got worse. God! What is happening?! I hissed and felt hot tears slip out of my eyes. I heard the door open and a girl with blonde hair had come in. She looked at me and asked me a question. I couldn't really make out why it was because the next thing I felt the world falling.


Sorry if its short. I'll try and upload this week!

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