The beginning of our end

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My eyes widened as the women in front us turned into something unimaginable, something so terrifying, that I couldn't do anything but stare.

As I looked at the monster before us, I couldn't help but see everything that happened to us this past week. And to think it all started with a Chimera crashing through our school walls while we were all in detention for a stupid food fight.

Its funny how a normal day can change into something so hectic. I remember talking to my brother and sister, I remember looking at my crush and hoping he would notice me, I remember looking at my enemy, her best friend, and a boy talking shit and hoping they would shut the fuck up for once, I remember my sister's boyfriend talking to my other friend about throwing something, and most of all, I remember the the most epic food fight involving nine people while the tenth was still unknown to us.
Our story begins with us fighting each other, and man was it one hell of a fight.


"-en,Raven!" "huh?" I look over at my sister, Aya. Next to me is a boy who has a light tan and is short for his age, his name is David. He's our younger brother. My sister pushes her bangs out of her dark brown almost black eyes. "Raven who are you staring at this time is it your crush?"My sister asks with her brow slightly raised. I look back her blushing, I pretend I don't hear her and tell them I'll be right back.

I walk to the bathroom and close the door. I check all the stalls to make sure no one is there then face the mirror. I look straight into the eyes of a girl with short curly brown hair and golden chocolate brown eyes. Her skin is tan and she is thick slightly over weight. I sigh wishing I could look like aya with beautiful chocolate skin and a body fit for a queen. My hair a bit longer than hers looks wild but no matter what I do I can't tame it.

" You can do this, all you have to do is go to him and tell him , 'Hey I like you', it should be easy enough,...right?" I walk out of the bathroom and back to the lunch table when I hear my name come out of HER mouth.

Vanessa Gold is one of the most vile creatures of this planet that needs to be rocketed to another planet. Her friends Robbi and Abe are nicer but are still terrible people. I walk to the table ignoring IT and walk back to my brother and sister.

"Rae you know it's very rude to ignore people that are talking to you," "uh huh" "and you shoul-" I tuned out my brother and focused on my crush. He was handsome, he had a very strong jawline and was slightly overweight.He was tall but not too tall and he had a Russian- Turkish accent. He had muscle probably from all that wrestling he did and he was kind of an asshole. When no one was around though he was really sweet.

He helped me with a lot of problems at home that my family didn't know about. His name was Aron I was too busy looking at him to not notice the fruit cup being thrown at me until it was too late. I turned around to see Vanessa laughing and Robbi and Abe pretending they didn't see anything.

I decided to ignore them and pay attention to my siblings for once. "Aya i'm going to tell him today." "uh huh" She and David were aiming carrots on spoons at unsuspecting victims and Vanessa and her friends.

They successfully hit them with the carrots starting a war of their own. I sensed something flying towards me so I ducked. It flew until it hit an unfortunate target also known as Aron My crush. 'oh crap' I thought. He turned around and looked me right in the eyes. I shook my head and hands as a you got the wrong idea but he just smirked picked up his tray of food. 'forget oh crap, OH SHIT!' I ducked under the table before it could hit me and it got Abe straight in the face.

" Aya I don't we should stay in the crossfire. She ignored me and picked up some unlucky kids partly eaten sandwich and threw it at Robbi. The cafeteria started to notice and decided to leave. " Dave I think we shou-nevermind."

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