We hijack a car and Sing songs

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          We all looked at the newly made hole in the side of the building or more like the thing that is standing in the middle of the hole. We all looked at each other and thought the same thing. All of us bolted for the door and was amazed that it was locked.

  "Why the hell is it locked?" Mickey pretty much screamed out.

  "Don't know dont care, watch out." Aaron push the door so hard it feel over. "These doors are really weak."

"Well this school is really cheap." I sarcastically remarked while looking at monster that is just standing there looking at us. Before I could look away a man step out from behind it laughing.

"Wow it must be my lucky day, nine demigods in one room and no one here to protect them. You know," he paused kicking a huge piece of debris in front of him. "I didn't think they would let you all stay together for so long especially since you're all supposed to be the strongest demigods alive, but then again, they let Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase run around with those magicians. Ah, but enough about me let's get to the part where you scream in terror as my pet eats you."

  The man with dark brown hair and an eye patch raised his pale white hand to the weird looking monster, I think it's a chimera, and said something in latin. I dont know what he said but the thing looked happy. It made a lion roar from its goat head and then its tail flicked. Oh hell no!

"RUN!!" We went all turned to run but something caught my foot. What the hell is-OH SHIT! A dark vine was wrapped around my foot and suddenly I was on the ground being pulled towards the man. " Oh no not you mother said she needed one alive, the rest, HAVE FUN RUNNING AND DYING." "LET ME GO YOU WEIRD YOUNGER LOOKING XEONORT ASSHOLE!" I was almost in his reach, Aya trying to pull me back, while the others ran to distract the monster when a dark shadow formed in front of me and a blade cut the vine.

  I crawled backwards and Aya pulled me back at the same time. "Ah so they sent the ghost king to save everyone, huh interesting. What happened, Percy was too busy."

"You all run I'll distract them." "A-are you sure?" "Just go already, the faster you leave the faster we all leave." Listening to the boy dressed in a black skull shirt and jeans we ran to find an exit to escape from this . Turns out this school sucks ass as the exits nearest to us were locked tight. I fucking hate this school. We ran up four fucking flights of stairs then had to run back those four plus two. I really should have participated in PE activities. We went to the basement level where the gym was located.  " Oh My Fucking Cheesecake it opens, IT OPENS!" 

"Vanessa for once I respect you now lets get the hell out!" We ran outside to find only one car left that is our principals escalade. Oh I am so going to enjoy this. "Okay here's the plan whoever breaks in first has control of the radio."

  Constance walked over shooing us, her white almost silver hair being tied into a bun." Move I's gots this guys."

She pulled her elbow back and pushes it back really hard. ........It bounced back off the window. "OWW THAT HURT!THAT FUCKING HURT! THE ACTION MOVIES LIED IT DOESN'T WORK ONE BIT! FUDGE CAKES!!"

Laughing Aaron decides to punch the window really hard but he only causes a crack. " What the hell is it reinforced or something that fucking hurt." "No duh dumbass its a glass window , now move watch how the pros do it." Picking up a huge rock like the size of my palm I chuck it at the window. It adds to the crack and then nothing else. "Watch as the pros do it, hahahaha, you didn't even try to throw it." "Oh shut up you tried to punch the window how the hell does that work?" "How does that-what really Raven what kind of stupid question is that?!?!" "And why the hell would you elbow a window!?!?"

"It pretty freaking logical if you ask me I think-" As we continue arguing Mickey tells Vanessa he has the whole on video. "I could just pick the lock it would only-" "oh shut it Aya you can't pick a lock for shit." "Oh really David, well you can't fix anything for shit!"

Heroes of this Generation:Legend of the PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora