My Ice Cream gets stolen by hipsters

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After driving around Kensington for 20 minutes we knew Aaron did not know how to get to the bridge "Do you know where you're going?" " Of course I know where I'm going!" "So why aren't we there yet!!" "I don't know!" "You have to make a right here, dumbass."   to go to New Jersey.

"Dude, we just passed this Cold Stone like 20 times!"my brother exclaimed incredulously. " Do you not know where you're going?"

"O-of course I know where I'm going!!!" Aaron stated as he turned right.

"You were supposed to make a left I mumble. He gave me a dirty look and turn into the parking lot of the Cold Stone so he could get back on the Aramingo Ave.

"STOP THE CAR!!!!" Aaron slams the brake for the second time today and looks back at Aya with an annoyed expression. "CAN YOU ALL STOP SCREAMING!!" We all look at him with accusatory looks and he then says," Why the hell am I stopping this time?! We are running for-well driving-but anyway what the hell is so important that you wanted me to stop the car this time?!?!?!"

She looks down sheepishly and states in a low childish voice," I want some Cold stone. You've been driving by it so many times I couldn't take it anymore."

We all look at her then I decide to add some wisdom to this mess."Well I'll be back."

"EH!!!" I hear from everyone as I get out with Aya following my action.

We enter the store and see that it's empty. We tell the worker what we want and she asks if that's all. I go to tell her yes when my phone dings. Opening the message I see it's from  David.

From: IamYourfather

Get me some too

chocolate with cookie dough Pwease

I ask the the very patient lady(only because she knows me) if i can have what David wanted and she smirked and asked why he wasn't here. I told he's home and she laughed and made it up. She then told us to wait and made us a gallon of coffee and brownie ice cream. As I went to pay I was scowled. " No, you better put that money back I told you you don't pay anymore after you went and got us all those customers" "Thanks for the gallon and the free ice cream!" " No problem sweetie now get goin home yo father is probably worried about ya'll two!" Taking the money out I put my whole five weeks worth of allowance in tip jar and grab the bag she handed me and my sweet cream and brownie ice cream

. Walking back to the car I go to take a bite of my ice cream when a girl and boy about two years older than me ran past and snatched my ice cream out of my hand while the girl snatched Ayas'. A yelling Aaron freezes in shock and to my surprise starts laughing. I watch the two run away in shock remembering what they looked like:Tall and skinny with curly hair looks like he's latino and a white girl who's about to his shoulders with long brown flowy hair. God damn fishtown and these assholes always stealing someone food.

We walk back me grumbling and Aya crying and about destroy the continent.As we get in the car everyone looks at us and Aaron decides to be funny." Y-y-y-yo-you g-got r-robb-ed b-by h-hipsters AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Looking at him with a blank look I pull back my fist and punch in the face while Aya kicked him from the back seat.


"We're on the road with a very happy David eating ice cream and me and Aya sharing the coffee and brownie ice cream(with everyone who didn't piss us off) and a sad Aaron sporting a black eye and who is now going in the right direction. Did I mention the dumbfounded Nico, yup a very dumbfounded Nico looking confused and slightly sick.

" D-did we just stop for ice cream, see them get robbed, and watch him get a black eye by two pissed off girls?" David nods his head then goes back to eating. " Yeah you're all definitely special alright."  Aaron finally finds the bridge and we turn on it,

Luckily this car has an EZ pass so we go by easily. Nico points to the weird beach area and says they'll be there by nightfall. "You mean 6;00." " Does that make you feel better?" "....Yes..." "Then yes." Looking at the clock  I see it's only 5;40. "UHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!" I close my eyes and decide to dream. Can I just say that is the worst idea I have ever had.


Walking down a dark pathway in a cave-like area I hear a soothing voice.

"Come my child, come to me it is time to awaken you've been asleep for too long."

Following the voice the cave opens up to a brightly lit throne room. On top of the throne is an elegant 40 something year old woman, at least that's what she looks like anyway. I must say she's very beautiful her hair is like rich soil and her dress looks to be made of water.

"like she was the earth itself" I mutter as realization struck me like lightning. " So I get to meet Geia nice." She stares at me warmly creeping me out. You see I wouldn't be creeped out if her eyes weren't closed.

" Come my child, it is time to wake up, you've been asleep for too long."

" What does that mean I know for a fact I haven't been asleep for long I just fell asleep and also another important question, HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?! Didn't that kid Leo kill you?"

"Oh dear child they only delayed my awakening a little more nothing more." "Well that's just great, what exactly do you want with me?" "All in good time my dear, but for now you must awaken for it is almost the time of your destruction." " Oh that sounds-WAIT DID YOU SAY DESTRUCTION?! DO YOU THINK YOU COULD BE A LITTLE CLEARER!?!?" She stands and walks over to me.

She puts her hand on my cheek and caresses it. "I feel really uncomfortable could ya move like 200 yards away." I say as I cringe from her touch. "Hmm  the resemblance is uncanny I'm surprised she was able to do it." She smiles and moves away. " My dear child I can not wait for you to wake up." She says as she starts getting blurry."WAIT WHAT DO YOU-"

Then I woke up.

Sorry for the wait and the short chapter, I've been so busy with school and I had major writer's block. I promise the next chapter will be long and more exciting. This is probably my least favorite chapter but I hope you like it.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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