Lost Direction

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Harry had something to get off his chest. If he didn't do it now, he was confident that it would tear him in two and he would live forever in utter despair wondering how his life could get any worse.

He rang all of the band members; Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall. He told them to meet him at his apartment, he thought then he could talk to them all there.
Soon, Harry was opening the door to 4 men, who were pumping with excitement.

Harry went to the bathroom, he stared at himself in the mirror. He inhaled and exhaled and went to the living room. He saw the guys had also helped themselves to his cupboards and TV, since they were munching on Doritos with salsa and also playing on his Xbox. Harry honestly couldn't believe how fast they had been.

"Wow. You guys couldn't make yourselves any more at home, could you?" said Harry.

"Well, if I could take my pants off, I would." Louis chuckled and then reached for a crisp.

"Bit gay innit?" Zayn replied. They were all laughing.

"Shut up Zayn! All boys would go gay for me, if they saw my python!" exclaimed Louis. They debated sizes for a few more minutes before the conversation went on to something less stupid. Eventually it went silent and all that could be heard was packet crinkles, chewing noises and button smashing. Harry got up and turned off the TV, followed by complaints of annoyance through his sudden movement.

"I have something to tell you all," he said. He exhaled. "I want to leave the band."
It was finally out there. Harry had said it.
Astonishment and confusion was the only expression that was readable on all of their faces.

"What? Why?" Niall asked breaking the silence like a knife through butter.

"The fangirls, the paparazzi, the fame, the pressure. Everything about this band I don't like it. I want to be normal again, I don't want to have to look over my shoulder every time a fangirl recognises me. I hate seeing my face on every bit of merch, it's stupid." He explained.

Then Liam spoke up. "Harry, I totally get how you feel but how can you say that? You've got one of the best jobs in the world, good pay and stability. We save lives with our music. The fangirls and fame are just the added bonus. But we need you
Harry, your practically the glue."

"Yeah, Liam's right." They all agreed bar Harry, who was quite flattered to say the least.

"So, have we changed your mind, Harry?" Zayn asked.

"Well, you may have convinced me to stay." Harry smiled.

They all gave him nuggies and slaps on the back.

"So now Harry's not leaving, I hate to say it but I'm not even in the band. What am I even doing here? Well I should go." Zayn stood up, grabbed his jacket and went, leaving the door open.

They all shrugged then Harry went to close the door. As doing so, Harry heard a high pitched scream, he saw a massive crowd of fangirls clogging the hallway, and suddenly they all began to run straight at him. Harry with a terrified expression rushed back inside his apartment and slammed the door shut.

Not long after the door was being pelted with so many bodies, it eventually gave-way and it was forced open and a massive herd of screaming, singing and fidgeting girls crammed themselves in this tiny little apartment. The boys were beginning to get torn apart by the zombies. Pieces of flesh ripping from bone with just the use of fingernails. The boys' hair was being distributed, Harry's in it's immaculate curls especially. So many hands were sticky and covered in blood, in all the nooks and crannies of their skin. For just another piece to add to their shrines.

How about their hearts, next?

A/N - Haha! It's a Crappypasta! Seriously though, fangirls are vicious!

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