Only Human -Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)

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Spoilers from Season 3a +

You and Stiles were humans unlike the rest of your pack. You and Stiles always had that sort of bond, an understanding. You, Stiles and Scott had been friends since you were kids. You always watched as Stiles pined for Lydia, you never understood how he could generate this sort of longing for her, or even dedicate himself to her.

Stiles was always a friend and a bit of an idiot but when Scott was bitten, things started to change and at some point, Stiles became more than just a friend.

When Stiles failed to notice you the way he did Malia or Lydia, you started to understand. In the beginning, you were fighting with yourself and denying all your feelings. It took a lot to admit it to yourself but once you did, sadness and longing followed.

With all the supernatural stuff, and whatnot. It never seemed like a good time to tell him how you felt.
If Stiles wasn't trying to save everybody, then he had be trying to save himself. Somehow, you just fell for him in all the madness with the Nogitsune. You couldn't think of a life without him. You were scared for him. It broke you to see Stiles that way, and that's when your feelings were evident to yourself. What mattered was, you, the human and best friend had fell for Stiles Stilinski.

You may not have been an alpha or a beta, a banshee, a kitsune, a fully fledged hunter or God knows what. You were human, considering Stiles' latest possession and Allison, you were probably the most normal human out of the whole pack. You may have been considered weak but you liked being human, even if did really suck sometimes. It wasn't as if you were defenceless. Allison had the courtesy to teach you a few things, so you could at least have a chance at survival in this kind of life.

Boy, did you miss Allison quite a lot, it always made you sad to think about her. When Allison's family came to town, she became your first female friend. Being surrounded by boys all the time, never did your inner femininity any good. In all truth though, the whole pack brought you out of your secluded mind, Allison helped you the most.

Currently, in your supernatural drama filled life, things seemed to have calmed down a little after a few months with the dead pool, things were quiet at the moment and getting back to normal. Although things weren't ever going to be normal.

Now seemed a good time as any to take a walk and savour the silence. You didn't dare leave the house without your gun that had wolfsbane laced bullets, though. You weren't going to risk being defenceless.

With a gun attached to your belt, you decided to take a walk. It felt good to breath and to be able to think. You found it to be suffocating in a house all alone with no outside noise. Music didn't work for you in easing yourself, the words of the songs just made you think too much. Too much about Stiles.

You had walked quite a distance from your house. You knew you had to get home soon, there was no one home but it would feel strange being out any later than 10 PM, alone.

You got home to find the door open, someone must've broke in or even used their handy key. Scott and Stiles always were inviting themselves in. However, they actually would lock the door behind them, fearing the worst though, this made goosebumps settle in your arms. You clutched the gun at your hip, then entered your home cautiously, hoping the intruder wouldn't be alerted of your presence that could make the situation even more detrimental for yourself. Each room, you applied the same amount of stealth, you peered in key holes and cracks of doors and took full advantage of doors ajar. After checking out the whole house, you got to your room, you chucked your gun on your desk and sighed out of so much relief. You got out your phone to call Scott but got nothing but voice mail. You left a message.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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