Like glass shards I shattered {Chapter 8}

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I woke up with my face buried in someone's chest,
"We're here Lilluth," a soft voice whispered in my ear, I sat up immediately
"Sebastian!" I whisper/shouted
"Yes my lady?" He was smirking and I was blushing,
"Where is Ciel?" Ciel then called Sebastian from outside of the carriage
"Follow me my lady." Sebastian said as he stepped out of the carriage and offered me his hand,
"May I ask where we are?" I asked as I walked towards Ciel,
"We're at the crime scene my lady," I sighed "lets get this over with..." then Ciel stopped me,
"Lilluth... I don't,"
I cut him off "I'm going in and that's not negotiable."
He sighed "but Lilluth,"
I raised my eyebrows and repeated "Not negotiable." then watched as they walked up to the guards to gain access the crime scene.

I waited around five minutes for them to gain clearance by themselves before I got bored and joined the conversation.
"Ciel." I called out as I stood next to him
"I told you to wait over by the carriage,"
I answered half-assed "I got bored,"
then directed my words at the officers"Let me past."
the smaller of the two men started to speak but the larger one, whom I'm guessing is his superior, cut him off
"Yes my Lady," he then stepped to the side to let me pass, I started to walk forward but realised that neither Ciel nor Sebastian had followed me in, I turned to look at Ciel but the two men where still blocking them off, I called out once again
"Let them past officers." and soon both Ciel and Sebastian where next to me.
"Lilluth, if you don't mind me asking, why did they follow your command without question?"
I mentally sighed
"I thought you did a background check on me Ciel,"
He then looked at his butler
"Lady Lilluth's family is almost as powerful as the queen herself, as she is related to her, in what way however I could not find out,"
"And I'm not telling you in what way." I added before turning to them "Ciel you do what you usually do and I'll do my 'thing', I'll meet you back at the carriage in two hours."

~~Two hours later~~

I sat in the carriage waiting for Ciel to get back. When the carriage door opened and Ceil stepped inside I started throwing the facts at him
"A 27-year-old prostitute named Matilda Clover/ the victim, became ill and died the next morning; her death has been attributed to her alcoholism, but I'm not so sure because I have already talked to one of her close friends, as she was already outside the scene, and she said that Matilda had been sober for at least three months."
Ciel nodded as I continued
"but she was defiantly poisoned, all of the signs of asphyxiation are there and since there were no signs of struggle on the body or around the room means that she either one, wasn't aware of the poisoning or two, willingly let the poison into her body" I looked up from my notes at Ciel and he was staring at me
he seemed to snap out of a trance
"Nothing... I have nothing to add to that..." he continued "but I know who will."

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