Like glass shards I shattered {chapter 10}

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(A/N) dedicated to @CatloverNyan1 for being my motivation, but I think the story's going to end soon the ending is going to be.... Well I would hate to spoil it for you ;p

Lilluth's P.O.V

The Undertaker was lying on the the floor when I walked in
"Ah! Lilluth! How's your aunt Victoria doing, still well?" I sighed 'well the cats out of the bag now...'
"Undertaker," I nodded "still poisoning people with your home-made dog biscuits?"
He chuckled slyly
"Heh Heh... Once the comedian always the comedian!"
"Well!" I said wanting to end the awkward conversation "This has been a pleasant little reunion but we have more important things to attend to so if you'll tell us what we need to know,"
"You're still very impatient." He muttered as he stood up and I let out a long sigh
"Yes, I get it, people don't change much can we move on?"
Ciel spoke up "Let's,"
I could feel his eyes burning into my back.

The information that The Undertaker gave us was mildly useful he told us about the poison that killed the victim and how many others in different countries had been killed the same way.After a while we gathered enough information to determine where the murderer was going to be at 9:00 we just needed to catch him, both me and Ciel had figured out who the murderer was, Dr. Thomas Niel Cream. We were going to catch him and I was going to be the bait.

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