Knights: The Lost Saga

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Teaser Chapter

Its the same routine everyday at my house. The sun peeks through the roof at around five o'clock in the morning and that's my cue to roll out of bed. Literally roll. Because if I sit up then the bed will either a) bend and snap, or b) make the loudest creak ever and wake up the entire neighbourhood. So I roll either onto the carpet woven from evergreen leaves or onto the hard wooden floor. Today however I did neither because my stupid twin brother ,Lamorak, decided it would be a good idea to knock down my door and force me into sparring with him. At half past five in the Grail forsaken morning!

"Perona!" He called knocking on my door "Hey Per-" The sound of the creaking door falling flat toward my bedroom floor meet my ears. I growled. 'That better just be the door needing oil' I thought. Then suddenly SMASH! I jumped onto the ceiling and clung there, though I am not entirely sure how I managed to stay there seeing how broken the roof actually was.

"Lamorak, if you don't have a good reason for getting me up and 5.30, when I figure out how to get down I will murder you slowly like I did the mouse in our kitchen yesterday!" He gulped " so run all you want, but if you don't have a good reason for waking me up, I will drag you back and then pierce your skin before letting you run again. A fitting punishment I believe." I smiled maliciously

"Come sparring with me!" He held up a scabbard that I had never seen before. "Titus gave us new swords."

"Forget that. Go ask one of your other friends! Let me sleep, us none knights have farm work today!" I managed to curl my tail around the lamp and jump down back into my bed and its thin, itchy sheets. I curled into a ball and used my long hair as an extra layer to hold the heat in because I was cold. 

"Come on! I haven't found a swords man as good as you"  He whined "Your cavalier is unbeatable!"

"ARGH! Lamorak!" I screamed hurling my fruit knife at him. It narrowly missed him and hit the wall with a mighty twang. " Get out of my room now! The next one will be covered in flames. And lend me one of your  trousers whilst your there."


"In case you haven't noticed, only men wear trousers and I am not fighting you in a skirt you fool! Now hurry before I send another 3 knifes after you." I sighed getting out of my bed after watching him leave and examining the damage to my door. Bent, hairline fractures, crumbling, holey. "Those stupid wood mites have been at my door again." I cursed them. Lamorak returned with his grey work trousers and then quickly left. I heard him cursing me down the corridor. I put on a white long sleeve shirt and a sword belt that I had fashioned from the left over leather that my dad had left after making shoes. I tip toed down the steps whilst trying my hair into a bun. My dad never liked me sparring with Lamorak, purely because I was a girl. I had managed to convince him to let me learn magic to hone my abilities and music but he never let me learn anything more so I always ended up reading about them and having fantasies.

My brother waited at the bottom of the crooked staircase for me and handed me a Dao sword that was completely new, I didn't recognise the scabbard.

"I got these from Titus late last night. I'm trying out the two Khopesh though." He teased hanging them on his belt. I shook my head sliding the Dao into my belt. I grabbed an apple from the side before putting on a cloak and sneaking out of the house through the backdoor and into the pastures. We raced through the tall corn fields until we came to the edge of dull yellow crops and to the front of the bazaar. I rested my hand on the handle of my sword and looked at my brother.

"I don't know how he does it, our TItus I mean. He is very skilled with this sort of thing for a 13 year old." I laughed, I didn't know what I meant. I was 14 and had already mastered the Grande Fleur fire spell that apparently took the best wizards a life time to learn.

"He certainly is an amazing fox." My brother agreed examining the craftsmanship on the Khopesh sword. Bad idea. I knew that he woke me up early so that we didn't draw a crowd to watch us sparring but there were many teenagers and children helping out in the bazaar who saw him draw it and were tailing us. "shot, forgot about that!" he mumbled putting his sword back

"Oh well done fool! Now we got us an audience." I began to power walk. 

"Use a freeze spell on them or speed us up. This could get out of hand." He looked around and shook his head "Hurry up sis!"

"To many people, I don't want to chance getting caught and burnt, only men can be wizards remember. If I cast a spell now I'll be treated as a witch." I began to walk faster "We have to hurry before dad catches us up. I could cast a speed spell but only on me. It becomes to obvious once cast on another person." I grabbed his hand

"Please no! I hate being dragged by you with speed abilities, I'll throw up!" he whined quickly trying to shake off my hand

"You're meant to be able to handle speed weakling." he gulped and I laughed. The gem on my head began to emulate a warm red light as looked over to my brother as if to say 'ready?' he shook his head but realised it was already to late. I was jogging already and had closed my eyes "currere quasi ventus!" I shouted, when I opened my eyes they had changed from brown to shiny sapphire blue. Suddenly my feet were moving extremely fast and I was going 20 miles per our, 30, 40 faster than any being should be able to go. So fast that I was but a flash of violet purple and green trailing behind me until we reached Sundial Pass. "that was certainly fun, right Lamorak?" he didn't reply, his head was in the bushes and he was gagging his guts out.

"Never again!" he spluttered between regurgitating. I shrugged whilst pondering ' that was only the wind speed spell, next time I am definitely using the lightning speed one!'

"Whatever princess, when your done can we get sparring? I have other things to do you know!" I dropped off my cloak onto floor and ate my apple whilst searching for my book of flower types. I knew this would happen so I came prepared.

I'm Perona Percival Pellinore. I'm currently 14, I'm 3 foot and 1 inch. I'm a purple cat with golden eyes, on my head is a magical red stone that allows me to do many amazing things but more about that later. What you just read, up there I mean, was an average day in my life.

Knights: The Lost Saga ( A Sonic and the Black Knight fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now