Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Chapter 8 is here. It took a while since I had exams and stuff but I did my best. Only problem is the internet on my computer is down and I'm using my iPod to upload. So no bold. No italics either. But hey I have autocorrect! Please forgive any typos because of it though. Anyway, onto the tale!

The final fight: Percival Pellinore versus Lancelot du Luc

The blue sky homed white formless clouds usually, but today though the sky was not its usual light blue. The hue was unusually pale, the clouds took form of memories and were a strange grey colour. I sighed to myself. I'd been doing that a lot recently. I suppose I was more stressed than I had thought as I stared up into the ever greying abyss. I looked up into the long pointing cloud as it slowly began to point and take form of a sword. What kind I couldn't be sure but it reminded me of a broad sword.

'That was a pretty dumb move.' I thought to myself 'dunno what happened there but make sure none of that happens next round.' I closed my eyes, scanning my brain for form of healing spell that I could use. Off the top of my head I couldn't remember any, but I had tried. I would have to take my time and heal.

After a few minutes I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw everything that I had seen from the arena but from a completely different angle.

It was at this moment that I fully noticed where the knights were stationed. They were sat across from us beside the battle board of pyramids which was now a lot smaller than it used to be. The king was sat in a stately Red Wood throne or perhaps it was specially treated Rose Wood. That was highly likely seeing as Camelot was one of the richest places in the land.

The thrown was set inside a large red felt box with a yellow haberdashery edging. Lancelot and Gawain were stood on either side and there were soldiers around the box as well. The king was sat with his legs crossed and fingers knitted together, his face behind them pondering deeply. As usual, he was in his royal armour, perfectly shined and bright with its slight golden hue. Around his neck was a purple cloak with a fake fur hemming. The crown was somehow connected to his helmet which left a 'T' shape face for his eyes, nose and mouth. I thought to myself how he probably had several of those things lining his closet that he would probably never use.

The king seemed to be completly focussed on the empty arena but I could tell that his eyes were rapidly scanning the stalls to see how the competitors interacted.

"Urgh..." the pained groan came from beside me. I looked up to see Galahad, head in hands and rubbing it slowly in an attempt to sooth the pain "Bad idea."

"Galahad... are you alright." I sat up and stretched "you don't look to good." he glanced up and smiled weakly

"No I'm just" he coughed "dehydrated." I nodded slowly in acknowledgement, that sounded like a cover up to me.

"Hey guys, I got some drinks." Lamorak appraoched us with two large cups of liquid in each hand. As he sat down, I caught the scent of the cups. Two ales and two waters.

"Aren't there three of us, not four?" Galahad pointed out after counting head several times.

"What do you mean? Isn't Chris here?" Lamorak quiried in reply.

"Nope, he disapeered after your match."

"I wonder where he went" Galahad glanced over at me remembering what I had told him, almost as if he could sense my anxiety.

"Anyway how about we make a deal?" he attempted to change the mood "whoever wins against Lancelot gets the last cup."

"Sounds good to me." Lamorak laughed and then glanced at me "right Percy?" I nodded slowly, I'd tried to push Chris out of my mind, but something about him was... other worldly.

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