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A/N: Audrey and Zach called their respective best friends to their respective places; for dressing them up for the prom night.

At Audrey's Place:

"You really think it's okay?" Rose asked Audrey, trying to pull up the neckline of the purple dress she's wearing.

"It's perrrfect!" Audrey assured her friend while adjusting the only sleeve of her little black dress.

Last night, Audrey went out for dress shopping, for Rose and herself.

She bought a dark purple dress for Rose and a little black dress for herself, this one being the sixth add to her LBD collection. Some people say that LBDs are boring, but she thinks that they are classic and will never go out of fashion.

Also she finds all the dresses of Rose quite unfit and it would be absolutely shameful if she doesn't flaunt her curves at the last major occasion of the high school, the prom night. So she took the responsibility of choosing her appropriate dress herself.

"Okay, now that we are complete, we need to click a selfie!!!" Audrey declared whilst searching for her phone.

"What? Nooo... you already clicked a thousand selfies, why to take photographs of same person..." Rose whined.

"We weren't wearing this dress before, silly! We must click selfie... shh..." Audrey silenced Rose and positioned herself beside Rose to click selfies.

After she was done, she lightly pecked on Rose's cheek earning a glare-turned-giggle from her.

"Let's go!" Audrey smiled at Rose, who was busy with her phone.

"What?" she asked.

"I said, let's go!" Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Sure sure." She said, absentmindedly.

"I'm driving today..." Audrey grabbed the keys.

"'Kay..." Rose agreed.


At Zach's Place:


"Stop! Stop! What the fuck are you doing? I don't apply deodorants so much..." Everett tried to push Zach away, but by then he was done spraying the required amount.

"Dude! You're gonna have to spend the next few hours in a less-than-one-foot-distance of a girl, if you smell like fish, she won't talk to you... you need to smell like a man..." Zach explained while spraying on himself.

Zach's wearing a red suit with a black tie while he assigned Everett to wear a white suit with a purple tie. (A/N- OMG! They are handsommmmee!)

"Deos are needed by guys like you who don't take shower, not me, got it?" Everett said grabbing his wrist watch.

"No, I take shower, maybe not as frequent as you do, maybe twice or thrice a week..." Zach defended himself.

"Yes, I am aware about your frequency..." Everett chuckled.

"Drop it for now, will you?" Zach said grumpily.

"Yeah... if you are done, shall we go?" Everett slid his phone into his pocket.

"Of course, we should. I don't feel a bit interested to listen to cleanliness lecture from you..." Zach said while checking himself up in the mirror.

"Today I have got a competitor; maybe not all girls will stare at me, a couple of them may lay their eyes on you too..." Zach narrowed his eyes looking at Everett.

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