The Girls Night

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SSSOOOOOOO SORRY how I haven't posted, my phone had a seizure and quit working. But I have a much better one now so I shall continue this story.
P.S. I can't believe my other story just hit a total of mother chucking 350 views thank y'all so much.


Basically right after last time

"I really can't believe that I got it wrong BOTH times." Erza said as she continued to be amazed.

"With all the hints they've all been showing it wasn't easy to deduct who liked who. *sigh* Oh you simple teens." Mira said still waiting for all 1000 jewels Erza now owed her.

"We're like 4 or 5 years younger then you Mira," Lucy said looking at Mira.

"Which is why it was so easy to tell who you liked," Mira said laughing.

"So my first question is when did you start like them?" Mira said with her signature grin of mischief.

"Well to tell you the truth, it was only recently when he started to show interest in me that I realized my feelings," Levy reviled blushing wildly. "Now you Lucy!"

"Since Phantom Lord..." Lucy mumbles.

"Do when now Lucy?" Mira says cupping her own ear and leaning in closer.

"I SAID PHANTOM LORD OKAY! It was when he saved me from Phantom Lord's Master that I realized I liked him." Lucy said with a face of red.

"Liked who?" Said Juvia as she walked in after hearing that Levy had woken up from other in the main hall.

"NOTHING!" Shouted Lucy as she saw the wizard who was once part of that dark guild.

"Only that Lucy here likes Natsu" Mira said then proud of what she did.

"So you're saying Lucy isn't a love rival anymore?" Juvia questions looking around.

"That is what I've been trying to tell you Juvia!" Lucy almost screams, "I never was!"

"Well I need to be going and doing this quick one day job I have," Erza says showing us a flyer, "How about when when I get back we all hang out at Lucy's place?"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH... when did I offer up my house to a party?" Lucy asks wondering why her.

"One, you are the only one not Levy who has a house and two, I said so. You got that?" Erza look at the blonde with scary eyes.

"Okay okay, just wanted to know why that's all. I never said we couldn't do it at my place." Lucy responded hoping not to piss-off Erza any more then she already had.


Around 9pm

"Hey Lucy," Juvia say as the blonde opens her door to revival I am the first there.

"Hi Juvia," Lucy responds smiling.

"So what's been happening Juvia?" Lucy asks.

"Well if Juvia is to be honest she thinks Grey is starting to like her." Juvia respond blushing and thinking of recently when Gray-sama asked if I wanted to go on a job with him.

"Ohh?" Lucy looked intrigingly.

"I don't know how to respond to Gray-sama seeming to like me back after all his rejections." Juvia saw still a little confused at what might be happening.

"Maybe you should test the waters to see if he truly does like you." Lucy responded after a moment.

*knock* *knock*

"Oh, who could this one be?" Lucy says getting up to get the door.

"Hello Lucy" and "Hi Lucy" is what Juvia hears coming from the oldest and youngest people that will attend the party, Mira and Wendy.

"Well hello you two." Juvia say as they come in.

"What are we talking about in here now?" Mira asks wanting to get right to the point.

"Nothing much only that Juvia here recently was asked by Gray to a two person job." Lucy says making Juvia blush.

"Ohhhh, is it true Juvia, did he really? I saw that job gone along with you a Gray but really wasn't able to look to much into it." Mira says with a growing smile.

*knock* *knock*

"Another enters the party" Lucy states while hoping up to get the door.

"Erza it is then," Lucy tells the group.

"Hi Erza," they all say in almost unison.

"Hello gals." Erza says in response.

"So continue Juvia." Mira edges on Juvia.

"He did and it was a great and a little romantic to be completely honest." Juvia said while turning red.

"Hold up now. I think I missed something beforehand." Erza says a little confused.

"Juvia here had Gray ask her out on a 2-man job." Mira did a quick recap for Erza.

"AND IT WAS ROMANTIC?!?!" Erza screamed, "Did He Do Anything Perverted To You?" She then added.

"Yes it was romantic but no he did nothing to me." Juvia responds worried that Erza would kill Gray.

"If he touches you without your consent, tell me and I'll kill him for you. Just remember that okay Juvia." Erza told Juvia while scaring her aswell.

*knock* *knock*

"Is Levy finally here?" Lucy said standing to go open the door.

"Hey girls!" Levy says walking in. "So what are we talking about now."

"You and Gajeel now." Mira said looking at Levy with a grin.

"Why us, aren't Lucy and Natsu a good topic?" Levy asks not wanting to be interviewed.

"Though they might be a good one, they are not that best one tonight." Mira says still with that grin on her face.

"I still don't get it, me and him are just friends," Levy says still trying to think that Gajeel doesn't like her.

"When Juvia and Gajeel were in Phantom Lord he never treated a women like you, even those who he did call his girlfriend." Juvia replied adding to what Mira was thinking.

"See, he is already trying to make you feel like you are his only one." Mira said smiling as wide as she could.

"Guys you suck, are we gonna watch anything?" Levy asks wanting to change the subject.

"Why not just sit and talk about guys like we already are?" Asks Erza to the group.

"I don't really care so long as it doesn't involve y'all talking about me and Gajeel." Levy starting to really,want to get off the subject after looking at Mira.

"I'm down with a movie TBH" Lucy says and pops one in.

'Of course it is a romantic movie, what else would it be?' Thought Levy as she watched and imagined her and Gajeel in the spots of the two main characters in the movie.

Still sorry for the hold up but the work is out now so...
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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