Chapter 2~ Buddy

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*DING DING* The class bell rang. Everyone rushed out of class heading to their next class. I saw Tori down the hall. I Ran to Tori to tell happened and what I was feeling.

Rose- Tori I like Haden Walker. He is really cute. I want him. How can a nerd like me get him. Everyone knows that nerds can't date popular people!

Tori- Who told you that rose? You can like anyone you want. Don't let no One tell you that you can't.

Rose- You're right! I don't care what anyone say. Well I don't think I should like him.

Tori- It's your choice. I have to head to my next class. I'll see you in lunch.

Rose- Bye.

Rose and Tori split up. It was kind of upsetting that I won't be in a lot of classes with Tori but I have to focus on my school work. Oh no I'm late.

Rose ran to class making sure she's not anymore late. Just then she ran into Haden and rose fell down.

Rose- Oh I'm so sorry I'm late for class and...

Haden interrupted.

Haden- You again. Go somewhere and leave me alone you're fucking everywhere.

Rose- Huh? Um I'm sorry bye.

Haden walked away. He didn't even say sorry. What a jerk! I can't believe I actually like him for 2 hours. I'm glad I'm over with him.

Rose went in her next class and the first person she saw was Haden. Talking to Tori!

Mr. Catwalk- Miss. Linville will you please tell me why you're late for class.

The whole class stared at her. Even Haden.

Mr. Catwalk- If you don't have a good reason I'm afraid that I'm going to have to give you detention.

The whole class gasp. Everyone knows that I never got a grade peer than a A and I never get in trouble. This is going to ruin my chance of getting into a great College.

Haden- *smirks*

Rose- Im..

Haden interrupted.

Haden- yo catwalk I ran into her and she dropped all her books and shit. Don't worry no big deal.

Mr. Catwalk- Is that true Mss. Linville?

I never lie but the part when I ran into him was true.

Rose- Yes Mr. Catwalk.

Mr. Catwalk- Take a seat. Today we are doing a project on the first day of school. It helps you get use to this school year. It's about science since this is a science class. You will be demonstrating a volcano erupting. I will pick everyone partner. Lib you work with Tori. Haden you work with rose. Jazmine...

Hearing the words of me working with Haden does not sound good at all. This is going to be a tough year.

End of chapter

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