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I open my eyes to very bright lights and a beeping noise and even tho everything was a blur I knew I was in the hospital.I seen a figure in the corner of the room but couldn't make out who it was.I then rubbed my eyes and they revealed a boy with a curly afro that was ravishing cute.he was staring at a blank wall with tears streaming down his face.

me:are you ok?

i asked in my sweetest voice possible because i didnt want to sound rude,but when i said that i soon regreted it because he looked up at me very quickly scaring me a bit with more tears making me a little nervous and then he got up and ran to me hugging me and kissing me which made me really confused,you cant imagine how i felt when he started talking and babling on about god knows what

????:omg i missed you so much lucky i really love you and we where having twins-(gco)

me:umm sir can you let go of me

he then smiled at me but underneath that smile was nothing but hurt,it was as clear as tryna cover a huge bloodstain on concrete with a glass window.

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