Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I walked away from Draco and found and empty compartment. I knew I couldn't stay with Draco this time so I went I find my own friends. It wasn't to long when a beautiful girl with brown bushy hair popped in and sat down and was staring at me. I looked up at her.

" May I ask what your looking at? Is there something on my face?" I asked a little worried. 

She said, " Oh no, of course not, you are just really beautiful. I'm sorry my name is Hermione Granger."

" Oh hi my name is Raven Ridd...Raines." I said.

She asked, " Are you new coming to Hogwarts" .

I told her, " Yes".

Then a cute little chubby boy open the compartment and ask if we have seen a toad. We both looked around and I asked " is this your toad?" 

" Yes that's Trever, I'm Nevelle Longbottom. 

"Hello I'm Raven Raines, this Hermione Granger." I said " would you like to sit with us?" I asked all flirty

"Um.. yes.. umm... I would like to." he said shyly

We talked all the way until we got to school. I found two friends. They told me they hope I would make it into the Gryffindor house. That both of therir house, but I knew I was going to be in Slytherin because of my parents but I wasn't going to tell them that, they didn't need to know. I didn't want to lose friends because of my parents.

We have now arrives at school and Hermione told me I had to ride in the boats because I was new, she told me that she and Neville will see me after the sorting has happened. Draco came  and told me that he wanted me to sit next to him when I was sorted I smile and told him sure. He was already known as the Slytherin Prince and I was going to be his best friend in the house and told everyone to call me the Slytherin Princess because he knew I was making into Slytherin too.

I have made it to the school and a older women came and told me and all the other first years that it was time to get sorted. I wasn't even listen until I heard "Raven Raines". I walked up knowing what was going to happen. I sat down on the stool.

The hat whisper to me, " You have a difficult past, you don't know about. Your not really sure who you really are. You will know in time. You believe you will be in Slytherin, because of who you think your parents are, but you are very wrong. So that mean your in.."

"GRYFFINDOR".The hat yelled out"

I was beyond shocked. What was the hat talking about I don't really know who I am. I am Raven Nicole Riddles. But as I walked to the table I say down next to Hermione I gave Draco a very worried look. Hermione introduced me to a cute red haired boy as Ronald Weasley, but he told me to just call just call him Ron, and you are bloody hot. He kissed my hand and I told him my name. Then I was introduced to the dark haired boy with glasses that I thought was kinda cute too and his name was Harry Potter. I thought about why my father wanted him dead. I listen to all the other name Hermione introduced to me. I shock these hands. We'll the feast came and I ate very little.

I gave Draco I pleading look, he looks at me and nodded his head. I told Hermione that I will meet him in the common room. Draco got up and followed me out. I turned to him and have him a look of worried and scared.

" What am I supposed to tell my parents." I asked Draco.

" I guess the truth, your father has way of finding out it's best you tell him", he told me.

I said, " I'm not worried about him being mad, he's never mad at me I'm worried about his being disappointed in me. He told me to be me and make friends but not to go and be on Gryffindor."

Draco even told me," I don't know if he would like you being friends with a mud blood and blood traitors."

"Draco I have no choice now, I can't just not talk to people in my house, I really don't want my daddy being disappointed in me" I pleaded.

Draco hugged me and told he everything will be just fine.

Later that night I notices I shared a room with Hermione , Ginny which is another Weasley, Lavender Brown, she really annoying I don't like her, Katie Bell, she seems nice but really quiet.

"Hermione I really find Ron, and George very attractive", I shyly told her.

" Raven call I tell you something, I know we aren't super close but I feel like I can trust you." she asked .

" Oh of course Hermione what is it," I told her happy she was going to trust me.

She looked down and smiles shyly," I have a huge crush on Ron."

Then I hug her then said," I promise to stay away from him. Why not tell him or flirt a little with him?"

She smile and hugged me then said thanks. Also I don't really know how to flirt with him.

" I can help you girl" I told her

  She told me she was going to bed. I told her good night I was going to write a letter to my parents. She smiles and told me good night

Dear my loving parents,
I hope you you guys are havering Wonderful night. I love you so much and I really do miss you, but I do have some bad new the sorting is stupid and told me I don't know who I really am, then it put me in Gryffindor. I really hope your not disappoint in me. I asked of I could switch house but they wouldn't let me. I love you and I'm sorry.
Your perfect little princess RR

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