My Heart Will Go On {chapter one}

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Kyle's POV
   I looked over at Alex as I sat on the couch in Bryan and Johnnie's house. She wouldn't look away from Johnnie. He was talking to her but I wasn't listening. Thoughts swirled around in my head. Why were they always flirting? It was annoying me. I was staying in California for two more days and would be staying at their house. Part of me hoped no one would come over the next couple days. I wanted to spend some time just with Bryan and Johnnie. I mean, I loved Alex but the thought of her and Johnnie together made me sick. I hoped Johnnie didn't like her. It was obvious that she liked him though.
    I was startled by Alex squealing. Now her and Johnnie were playfully hitting eachother. I looked down at my phone screen and pretended I wasn't bothered. I went on Instagram and looked at some of the things I was tagged in. So much #kohnnie... haha. It was super cute that people shipped us.
"Okay guys, ya ready?" Asked Bryan who had just set up the camera and brought in the lights.
"Yes!" Alex said.
"Yeahh." Said Johnnie.
"Wait where did Jordan go?" I asked.
"I think he went to the bathroom." Alex said.
"I didn't!!" He said walking into the livingroom. Bryan sat down on the couch in the middle, Jordan sat on his left, Alex on his right next to Johnnie, and I was sitting on the arm of the couch. It was Bryan's video, and it was truth or dare week. So we took turns picking truths and dares for eachother. It was really fun; Alex dared Jordan to eat deodorant since that's usually her job. Jordan had to give Bryan a truth so she asked him what he would do if he had 24 hours left to live. "Well let's see, i'd probably drink... a lot. Then I might like rob a bank or something. Then I would spend all of the money and go to as many concerts as I could. And then i'd call every girl I know and ya know i'd get laid and i'd probably pass out along the way." We all rolled our eyes.
"Every girl you know? Get ready, Alex." Johnnie said.
"That's illegal!" I said.
"Okay, okay every girl that's of age!" Bryan said.
   Bryan dared Johnnie to slow dance with me... woweey what's new? Pretty sure Bryan is the biggest Kohnnie shipper out there haha! Bryan played some "romantic music" and yeah then we slowdanced.
"Come on baby move that body!" I said to Johnnie.
"Oh god." Johnnie said.
It was a pretty good day.
After filming, it was getting late so Alex and Jordan left. Bryan ordered us a pizza and Johnnie and I sat on the couch and played x-box. When I was with Johnnie, I was happy. When I was with any of my friends, I was happy of course. But Johnnie could just always put a huge smile on my face. After dinner, the three of us decided to watch a movie. We watched Titanic, just because. I got cold, so Johnnie let me wear one of his jackets. We also had a blanket on the couch that Johnnie and I were sharing. A little more than half way through the movie, Bryan fell asleep. Johnnie and I were very close to eachother at this point. I mean what could I say, it was cold and cuddling helps! I checked my phone; 2:00 a.m. I was up early that morning and was super tired, but I wanted to stay up to spend as much time there as I could. I was never in that good of a mood back in Ohio.
   All of a sudden I felt Johnnie's head resting on my chest. "Johnnie?" I said quiet enough to not wake Bryan. But Johnnie had fallen asleep. He moved a little and I thought I had woke him up, but he put his arm around me and then didn't move any more. I felt myself blush, I felt funny whenever Johnnie and I touched. It was how I felt when I was with Meghan. "Do I like Johnnie?" I asked myself. It didn't make sense though. I didn't like guys... I liked girls. I loved Meghan. Only Meghan. I pushed away any thoughts of liking him and just enjoyed the moment of my bestfriend sleeping peacefully, holding me. Bryan started snoring. Gotta love him. I took one more look at Johnnie and closed my eyes.

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect night.

~~~~HEY! Let me know what you think of this so far :) It probably won't be a smut fanfic bc tbh I don't know how to write a sex scene especially a gay sex scene... lol.. #Kohnnie tho. And does anyone else ship Bryan and Shannon or Jordan and Shannon bc I do. <3 PEACE OUT

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